Community explorer: Complex Systems Scholars

Complex Systems Scholars

This directory presents the profiles of 663 scholars, 311 labs and 250 organizations in the field of Complex Systems:

    Its aims are to foster interactions between protagonists in the fields of Complex Systems science and Complexity science, as well as to increase their visibility at the international scale.

    • This directory is open. Anybody can have her profile included provided it is related to Complex Systems science and Complexity science. Personal data are given on a voluntary basis and people are responsible for the validity and integrity of their data.
    • This directory is edited by the ISCPIF. This initiative is supported by the Complex Systems Society ( Contributions and ideas are welcome to improve this directory. Please feedback

    Global statistics

     Main keywords for this listing


    Scholars by alphabetical order

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    PhD Natalia Abramova - Germany

    Leipzig Univeristy
    antology, cognitive systems, complex systems, dataviz, global journalism structure, language structure, linguistic structure, model of news article as complex system, network social system, nonlinear dynamics, semantics, social networks, social sciences, structure of text, systems structure, text mining, theory of systems, typology of texts, visualization, visualization of text

    The topic of my research is " Global journalism. The West and the East: In Search of Common Ground".
    I am interesting about the visual model of news in journalism as a complex system and to see news as a flow of information. Then I will aply the tools of nonlinear dynamics, complex systems to my model which allows me to see the stcructure of news of the Western(France, Germany) and the Eastern(China, India) types of journalism. This difference gives us infomation the difference between two parts of the world.

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    Patrice Abry - France

    Laboratoire de Physique ENS de Lyon
    multifractal, statistical signal processing, wavelet
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    Dr. Cheryl Abundo - Singapore

    Research Fellow
    Centre for Infocomm Technology
    Nanyang Technological University
    complex networks, data mining and analysis, machine learning, mathematical modeling, multi-agent models
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    Sophie Achard - France

    Senior researcher CNRS
    Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique (Gipsa-lab)
    Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA)
    brain, signal processing, wavelets

    wavelets, dependence measure, brain connectivity, graphs, dynamics

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    Mohsin Adalat - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    COMSATS Institute of IT
    agent-based modeling, complex networks, social network analysis
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    Quentin Agren - France

    dataviz, developer, web, data engineering
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    Paul Aguilar - México

    artificial intelligence, law, natural language processing
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    ms fatemeh ahmadi - Iran

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    Prof. E. Ahmed - Egypt

    Non-linearity and Complexity Research Group (NCRG)
    Aston University (Aston)

    Biologically inspired complex adaptive system e g game theory, Immune system, Multi-objective optimization

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    Waseem Akram - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    COMSATS Institute of IT
    agent-based modeling, complex systems, social network analysis
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    Dr. véronique alary - Egypt

    Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)
    adaptation, household, livestock system, risk, vulnerability

    My research is axed on the modeling of decision process of farmers and impact of changes (technology or policies) on the sustainability of the systems (environmental, economic and social sustainaibility)

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    Christian M. Alis - Philippines

    conversations, data mining and analysis, twitter, utterances
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    Dr. Henry L. Allen - USA

    Professor of Sociology (Criminology)
    Wheaton College
    bibliometrics, citation analysis, dynamical systems and social intelligence, mathematical criminology, mathematical models of global academic systems, mathematics, social complexity and global academic systems, social systems and scientific innovations

    To understand scientific innovations in mathematics and analyze their impact within global academic systems and societies: namely, to write a book entitled, The Road to Social Reality

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    Prof. Peter Allen - United Kingdom

    Complex Systems Research Centre (CSRS)
    Cranfield University
    agent-based modeling, co-evolution of ontology, epistemology and axiology, evolution, market, multilevel systems, supply-chain and organizational evolution

    Complexity, mathematical modelling in ecology and social systems, evolutionary theory and modelling

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    Ada Altieri - France

    Université Paris Cité
    spin glasses, statistical mechanics, theoretical ecology, disordered systems
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    Isabelle Alvarez - France

    decision, environment, robustness, sustainability, viability, collective viability
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    Dr. Marion Amalric - France

    Maitre de conférence

    environment, wetlands, appropriation, territory

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    Prof. Dr. Francois Amblard - France

    Associate Professor
    Center for Soft & Living Matter
    IBS - UNIST - Ulsan - Korea
    cytoskeleton, multicellular systems, phase transition, phenotypic stability, physics of the cell, tissue instability, tumor nucleation
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    Dr. Frédéric Amblard - France

    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
    Université Toulouse 1 - Capitole
    agent-based social simulation, norms, opinion dynamics, social networks dynamics

    I am interested in the network object (social, scientific, interbank) and in its dynamics. I want to identify and understand network mechanisms and I mainly used agent-based simulation to this aim.

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    Ana Aquiles - Mexico

    Neuroendocinolgy Fac of Sciences UNAM
    complex networks, complexity science, neural networks, neuroscience
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    Ing. ENSEM François Arlabosse - France

    artificial intelligence, e-government, emergency systems, gaussian processes, intelligent agent, Markov chain

    Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Gaussian Processes, Ergodic theory

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    Muhammad Arslan - France

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne
    collective behavior, buildings, bim, sensors
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    Muhammad Arslan - France

    bim, nlp, linked data, worker safety, semantic trajectories, visualizations
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    Master Student Defne Askar - Sweden

    Master Student

    Application of complex systems to social systems, simulation, stochastic optimization of complex systems

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    Lecturer Volkan Aşkun - Turkey

    Akdeniz University
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), complexity, social policy, organizational psychology

    My research examines the way people contribute to organisational performance. I want to be involved and manage large-scale organizational projects in areas of safety, leadership, well-being, innovation, and productivity. In the meantime I want to collaborative projects with a range of industries including health, education, energy, mining, transport, and finance. In this context, I constantly improve and renew myself.

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    Dr. Saïd Assar - France

    Associate Professor
    Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management
    Telecom Ecole de Management, Institut Mines Telecom
    conceptual modeling, design science, e-learning, empirical software engineering

    Saïd holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from P & M Curie Univ., Paris. He is an Associate Professor of IS at Télécom Ecole de Management, and is associate researcher at CRI Research Lab, Sorbonne University, France. In 2012, he was a visiting scholar at Lund University, Sweden, with the Software Eng. Research Group (SERG). His research interests include IS modeling, method and tools for IS development, service-orientation in IS, empirical software engineering, e-learning and e-government.

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    Fatihcan M. Atay - Germany

    Principal Investigator
    Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI-MIS)
    bifurcation theory, delay, dynamics, emergence, graph, memory, networks, nonlinearity, time delay

    dynamical systems, delay equations, complex systems and networks, graph theory, systems and control, mathematical neuroscience and biology

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    Prof. Dr. Ali Rana Atilgan - Turkey

    Sabancı University
    molecular engineering, systems science

    We identify molecular interactions and trace their communication pathways on different time and length scales. We ferret out the relationships between local motifs and global patterns in complex networks with arbitrary degree distributions. These activities find technological applications in devising molecular machines, materials with designed-in properties, and system identification tools.

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    Funda Atun - Italy

    PhD Candidate
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    Test B - Cambodia

    agent-based models, self-organization, simulation
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    Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker - Germany

    culture, economy, form calculus of distinctions, information society, organization, social systems, society, sociology

    social systems theory, laws of form, second-order cybernetics

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    Fabrizio Baiardi - Italy


    computer security risk assessment

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    Dr. David Bailly - France

    erosion, heterogeneous geological media, percolation, time serie analyses, upscaling


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    Dr. Rowena Ball - Australia

    Associate Professor
    Mathematical Sciences Institute and Research School of Chemistry
    Australian National University (ANU)
    abiogenesis, applied mathematics, bifurcation theory, CO2 separation, combustion theory and modeling, endex thermoreactive systems, global carbon cycles, nonlinear and complex dynamical systems, origin of life, physical chemistry, quasi two-dimensional flows, self-organizing processes and emergent structure, stability and chaos theory, stability of complex systems, thermochemical instabilities, thermokinetic oscillators

    Country pub lunches. Trains.

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    Sven Banisch - Germany

    Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI-MIS)
    agent-based models, complexity, computer graphics, data aggregation, emergence, fractals, lumpability, markov chains, opinion dynamics, simulation, social dynamics
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    Dr. Arnaud Banos - France

    CNRS Researcher
    Géographie Cités
    Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    agent-based models, complex systems, geography, health, networks, social simulation, space-time modeling, spatial mobility, spatial networks, transport systems, urban systems

    I'm mainly interested in modelling and simulating complex spatial systems. To do so, I explore new perspectives in geovisualisation, geocomputation and geosimulation.

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    Prof. Wolfgang Banzhaf - Canada

    Memorial University of Newfoundland
    artificial chemistry, artificial life, bio-inspired computing, bioinformatics, complex systems, computational finance, genetic programming, network analysis, self-organizing systems
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    Tiago Baptista - Portugal

    Evolutionary and Complex Systems Group (ECOS Group)
    Universidade de Coimbra (UC.PT)
    artificial intelligence, artificial life, complex systems, evolutionary computation, multi-agent systems, open-ended evolution
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    Jose Barata - Portugal

    Electrical Engineering Department (UNINOVA - CRI)
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL)
    adaptive systems, cognitive robotics, complex systems in manufacturing
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    Davide Barbieri - Spain

    Assistant Professor
    Mathematics Department
    Autonomous University of Madrid
    harmonic analysis, visual cortex, wavelets, mathematical neuroscience
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    Dr. Juan A. Barcelo - Spain

    agent-based simulation, anthropology, archaeology, machine learning, multidimensional, neural networks, prehistory

    Neural networks, Agent based systems, non linear simulation. Historical research, Prehistory, Archaeology, Anthropology

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    Jean-Marc Bardet - France

    Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    machine learning, mathematics, statistics
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    Dr. Martine J. Barons - United Kingdom

    Warwick University Department of Statistics
    University of Warwick
    algebraic statistics, bayesian statistics, complex systems, decision support, food security, machine learning

    My 3-year postdoc with Prof. Jim Smith is called "Coherent inference over a network of probabilistic systems for decision support with applications to food security" in which we will find sufficient conditions for coherently drawing together the probabilistic judgments of different panels of experts distributed over a network and measures for the lack of coherence when full coherence is not possible.

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    Alain Barrat - France

    Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
    complex networks, complex systems, epidemiology, social networks, temporal networks, higher order networks
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    Olivier Barreteau - France

    (UMR G-EAU)
    Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l_environnement et l_agriculture (IRSTEA)
    social simulation, water governance, policy analytics, participatory modeling
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    Prof. Albert Bastardas-Boada - Spain

    Complexity, Communication and Sociolinguistics Group
    Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex linguistics, complex systems, holistic linguistics, human communication, language diversity, language ecology, language policy, social complexity, social meaning, socio-cognition, socio-linguistics, language sustainability, sociocomplexity

    I have been working in building a sociocognitive ecology of languages approach to sociolinguistic problems of human species. Right now I am interested in developing complex approaches to social and linguistic issues.

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    Prof. Vladimir Batagelj - Slovenia

    Research Fellow
    Department of theoretical computer science
    Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    algorithms, cluster analysis, scientometrics, social network analysis, visualization, temporal networks, large networks

    analysis of large networks, combinatorics, algorithms, large networks analysis, cluster analysis, social networks

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    Samuel Bates - France

    resilience, viability, vulnerability, social ecological system
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    Ms Komal Batool - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    COMSATS Institute of IT
    agent-based models, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, complex systems, security, simulation, social network analysis, social networks
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    M. Jean-Michel Batto - France

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    DNA, mixture, kmer
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    Dr. Gareth J. Baxter - Portugal

    Principal Investigator
    University of Aveiro
    complex networks, complex systems, language change, stochastic processes
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    Gabrielle Beans - USA

    Santa Fe Institute
    education, learning, outreach
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    Ph.d Student Alex Becheru - Romania

    Inteligent Distributed Systems
    University Of Craiova
    organisational network analysis, social network analysis
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    Ms. Suhad Behadili - Iraq

    city pulsation, mobile data, mobility

    my intersets now focusing on analyzing and modeling mobile data to make a conceptual view to city live features.

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    Ji Beichen - China

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    agent-based models, complex systems, simulation
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    Dallas F. Bell - USA


    Systematic Political Science and its subsets

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    Prof. Narjès Bellamine BenSaoud - Tunisia

    RIADI Laboratory
    Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l_Informatique (ENSI)
    agent-based models, agent-based simulation, cloud computing, complex systems, crisis management, distributed simulation, epidemiology, massive agent systems, social systems

    - Modeling and Simulation of Complex Cooperative Systems___- Study real complex socio-technical system______- Interoperability___- Component-Based Modeling and simulation___- Distributed Multiagent Systems___- Collaborative learning___- CSCW

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    Julio M. Belmonte - Brazil

    Grad Student
    Biocomplexity Institute
    Indiana University
    developmental biology, GGH, models, networks, somitogenesis
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    Marwa Ben M_barek - Tunisia

    PhD student
    (LAMSADE) and (LIPAH)
    Université Paris Dauphine and Faculté des Sciences de tunis
    biological networks, community detection, complex networks, evolutionary and genetic algorithms
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    Bilel Benbouzid - France

    twitter, commuanautés de l_extrême drote, topic models, iramuteq, analyse de réseaux, facebook, propagande
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    Alexis Bénichou - France

    Decision and Bayesian Computation Lab, Neuroscience Dpt, Institut Pasteur
    graph theory, neuroscience, statistical physics
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    Dr. Sophie Béreau - Belgium

    Assistant professor
    Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)
    behavioral finance, financial econometrics, heterogenous agent models, international finance, social networks
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    Dr. Hugues Berry - France

    Senior Researcher (tenured)
    Centre de Recherches INRIA Grenoble Rhône Alpes, Lyon
    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA)
    bio-inspired computing, complex biological neural networks, computational neurosciences, individual-based simulations in cell biochemistry, spatial stochastic simulations, signalling pathways, astrocytes
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    Prof. Dr. Cyrille Bertelle - France

    Prof. Dr.
    Laboratoire d_Informatique, du Traitement de l_Information et des Systèmes (LITIS)
    Université Le Havre Normandie (ULH)
    bio-inspired modeling, complex networks, complex systems, logistics, urban systems, blockchain
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    M. Sven Bertelsen - Denmark

    Management consultant
    construction, project, project management, shipbuilding

    Civil enginering (project management. Understanding the project as a complex system and develop new methods for its managementbased upon this understading.

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    Prof. Maria Letizia Bertotti - Italy

    complex systems, dynamical systems, income distribution, mathematical models, mathematics, nonlinear analysis, opinion formation

    I am in Math and my interest is currently captured by systems composed by a high number of nonlinearly interacting units. The aim is try and explain emerging collective behaviors and macroscopic features resulting from the microscopic interactions. The attempt can be done to describe the time-evolution of a distribution function over some suitable variable characterizing the units of the systems under consideration. The next step is the study of the resulting dynamics. The approach I took to handle the topic comprises the development of a general modelling framework (expressed by a system of stochastic game - differential equations), the construction within this framework of specific models and their study (performed with tools from nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems theory and computational simulations). The problems I dealt with up to now concern opinion formation, competitive and cooperative societies, and income distribution in different taxation and redistribution regimes.

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    marie-pierre BES - France

    social network analysis, social networks, social systems
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    M. Julian Bilcke - France

    Software Engineer
    (MFG Labs)
    data mining and analysis, dataviz, digital humanities, distributed systems, information visualization, network visualization, science dynamics, science mapping, software engineering, text-mining
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    Dr. Yuri Biondi - France

    Cnrs, Tenured Research Fellow
    University Paris Dauphine PSL
    accounting regulation, agent-based modeling, behavioral finance, collective behavior, collective phenomena, complex systems dynamics, dynamical systems, econophysics, emergence, experimental analysis, financial markets, financial regulation, heterogeneous agents modeling, institutional economics, multiscale, networks, nonlinear dynamics, numerical simulation, sociophysics, statistical physics

    accounting economics and law, finance, law and economics, sociophysics, econophysics, dynamic systems analysis, complex systems in economics and society

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    Dr. Mercedes Bleda - United Kingdom

    Alliance Manchester Business School
    University of Manchester
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    M. Michel Bloch - France

    Emergence Paris
    complexity, marketing, simulation, social, sociology

    Application of complex systems to sociology and marketing

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    Dr. Wojciech T. Borkowski - Poland

    adiunkt (""permanent post doc"")
    Center for Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation & Engineering, Institute for Social Studies (INS UW)
    University of Warsaw (UW)
    action script, agent-based models, c++, cellular automata, critical transitions, CUDA, cultural evolution, delphi, ecmascript, evolution, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, GPGPU, java, javascript, macroevolution, memes, memetics, mental models, minimalistic social modeling, MPI, pascal, policy modeling, policy models, simulation

    I am interested in theory of biological and cultural evolution (also memetics), complex systems and related subjects in biology, social science and linguistic.
    Currently my most important job and method are computer simulations - I use C++, Delphi, other Pascal compilers, sometimes Java and Action Script 3.

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    Jérémie Bosom - France

    Cognitions Humaines et Artificielle
    cognition, collective intelligence, deep learning, digital humanities, machine learning, multi-agent systems, computional humanities, blockchain, smart grid, smart sensor network, smart contract et dao, optical character recognition, handwritten character recognition, roadmap 2017, page layout analysis
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    David Bouchez - France

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    Nadia Boukhelifa - France

    human-computer interaction, modeling, visual analytics, visualization, modelling
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    Dr. Daniele Bourcier - France

    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    graph theory, impacts of laws, law, legal emergence, perverse effects, public policies, small-world of codes

    modelization of the complexity of legal systems
    legal system as a dynamic complex system
    evolution of caselaw (ontology & langage)
    Systems of governance and regulation
    creative commons and complexity
    Legislation & contracts (cloud computing) with drafting tools

    environnement et biodiversité : comme systèmes

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    Quentin Bourgeais - France

    (CETAPS - UR 3832)
    graph theory, network dynamics, social networks, team sports, temporal graph
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    Dr. Paul Bourgine - France

    Senior Scientist
    UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC (Complex Systems Digital Campus)
    Université Le Havre Normandie (ULH)
    artificial life, biology, coevolution, cognition, cognitive economics, complex adaptive networks, embryogenesis, genetic networks, learning, learning and adaptive systems, mathematics, morphodynamics, morphogenesis, neural networks, social cognition, social networks, statistical mechanics, statistical physics, theoretical computer science, reconstruction of multilevel dynamics, geometrical science of information, topological science of information

    cognition, social cognition, genetic networks, neural networks, social networks, embryogenesis, morphodynamics, cognitive economics, learning and adaptive systems, artificial life, mathematics, theoretical computer science, statistical physics

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    Costas Bouyioukos - France

    Maitre de conferences
    Epigenetic and Cell fate UMR7216
    Université Paris 7 - Diderot (Paris 7)
    artificial life, biological complexity, complex biological systems, complex networks, computational biology, evo-devo, evolutionary developmental biology, information processing, information theory, modeling in biology, pattern formation, simulations in biology, systems biology
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    sofiane bouzid - France

    complex networks, data mining and analysis, machine learning, social networks, statistics, text mining
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    Roberta Bracciale - Italy

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Political Science
    University of Pisa
    data, social networks, social sciences
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    Alexander Brand - Germany

    agent-based modeling, network dynamics, social network analysis, text mining
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    Dr. Nicolas Bredeche - France

    Associate Professor
    Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique de l'Université de Paris Sud (LRI)
    Université Paris Sud 11 (Paris Sud)
    artificial neural networks, evolutionary computation, evolutionary robotics, generative and developmental systems, swarm intelligence
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    M. Christophe Bruchansky - France

    Founder and philosophical auth
    Plural think tank
    art, cognitive modeling, culture, innovation, philosophy, strategic management
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    M. François Brun - France

    Acta, les instituts techniques agricoles (ACTA)
    agricultural development, agronomy, calibration, crop model, evaluation, models, RMT modelisation, system model

    Evaluation of model

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    Giuseppe Brundu - Italy


    Geobotany, mapping, distribution of invasive alien plants, biodiversity

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    Pierpaolo Bruscolini - Belgium

    Universidad de Zaragoza
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    William R. Buckley - USA

    Independent Researcher

    My primary interest is devising machines which express biological behavior. In particular, self-replication, self-repair, and physical machine ontogeny. There is now in existence one such human artifact, and it expresses growth behavior.

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    Dr. Julia Buitink - France

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    Léo Bulckaen - France

    Stage de fin d_étude
    Institut Lumière Matière (Lyon 1)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    graph theory, quantum physics, statistical physics, parking
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    Margaux Calon - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    vulgarisation, citizen science, public outreach, science communication, popular science
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    Fadila Camara - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    education, research
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    Chico Camargo - United Kingdom

    Oxford Internet Institute
    algorithmic complexity, biological networks, complex systems, complexity, cultural evolution, data mining and analysis, data visualization, dataviz, dynamical systems, evolution, information theory, statistical mechanics, systems biology, computation, data science
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    Prof. Timoteo Carletti - Belgium

    Full Professor
    Namur Institute for Complex Systems (naXys)
    University of Namur - Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (UNamur)
    biology, chaos theory, complex systems, dynamical systems, mathematical physics, networks, social sciences

    Dynamical Systems, Complex Systems, Social Systems, Biology, Networks

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    Giulia Carra - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    mathematical modeling, spatial analysis, statistical physics, urban systems, data analysis, urban economics
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    Ms. Simon P. Carrignon - France

    PhD candidate
    Barcelona Supercomputing Center
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    agent-based models, complex systems, computational social science, evolution, evolutionary biology, evolutionary computation, modelisation, social simulation, evolutionary archaeology
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    Dr. Yves Caseau - France

    business processes, evolutionary simulation, game theory, serious games, social networks, system dynamics

    Entreprise simulation, complex situations explored as serious games, GTES: Game-theoretical and Evolutionary Simulation. I study the influence of enterprise organization and process methods and commmunication on performance.

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    Samuel Castillo - Chile

    PhD Student
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    data mining and analysis, dataviz, graph visualization, networks, social networks, socio-semantic networks


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    Dr. Ciro Cattuto - Italy

    Scientific Director
    Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation (ISI Foundation)
    complex systems modeling, computational social science, data mining and analysis, digital epidemiology, human contact networks, machine learning, network science, social media, social network analysis, wearable sensors

    My research focuses on measuring and understanding complex phenomena in systems that entangle technological and social factors, such as online social networks and human contact networks, with applications to social media analysis and modeling, digital epidemiology, data science, and more.

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    Dr. Fabrice L. Cavarretta - France

    Asst. Prof.
    Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC)
    cognition, emergence, social sciences, teams, variability

    Small group dynamics non-linear effects on performance, in particular how in-group diversity may influence variance of performance. Emergence of managerial and entrepreneurial behaviour.

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    Rémy Cazabet - France

    Laboratoire d_Informatique en Image et Systèmes d_information (LIRIS)
    Université Lyon 1 - Claude Bernard (Lyon 1)
    big data, community detection, complex networks, graph clustering, network dynamics, network science, social network analysis, social networks, spatial networks, dynamic networks, structure of interactions, sociotechnical systems, auto-organisation, temporal networks, data science, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, graph embedding, stochastic block models, sbm
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    fabienne cazalis - France

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    autism, cognition, education, video games, neurodiversity
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    fabienne cazalis - France

    chargée de recherche
    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    autism, cognition, omni, gamification
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    Flora Chanvril - France

    CEVIPOF (Sciences Po)
    #datapol, #analysedesdonnées, #élections, #méthodologie, #statistiques
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    Paul Chapron - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    agent-based modeling, geography, simulation, social network analysis, sociology
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    Prof. Vincent Chapurlat - France

    IMT Mines Alès
    system of systems engineering, systems of systems, validation, verification, system properties modelling and evaluation, non-functional properties of systems

    System and System of systems Engineering___Verification, Formal approaches, combined approaches___System modeling frameworks

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    Raphaël Charbey - France

    Télécom ParisTech - Dept. Ses
    biological networks, complex networks, machine learning, social networks
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    Dr. Hubert Charles - France

    Biologie Fonctionnelle Insectes et Interactions (BF2I)
    Université de Lyon
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

    Transcriptome analysis
    System Biology
    genetic and metabolic regulation networks
    Intracellular symbiosis and evolution

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    Dr. Stéphane Chauvin - France

    Private Scientist,
    complex modelisation, data visualization, dataviz, network view and measurement, score

    Data Optimisation, Visualisation Data for Decision Making

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    Dr. David Chavalarias - France

    Research Director
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    cognitive economics, computational social science, computational social sciences, cultural evolution, data mining and analysis, dataviz, digital humanities, epistemology, game theory, information visualization, morphogenesis, multi-agent systems, science mapping, scientometrics, social networks, text-mining, endogenous preferences, mimetic dynamics, social games, exploration_exploitation trade-off, quali-quantitative epistemology, science evolution, phylomemy

    David Chavalarias is CNRS Director of Research at the Center of Social Analysis and Mathematics of EHESS. His research is situated at the crossroads between cognitive sciences and complex systems sciences, which he mobilizes for the study of social and cognitive dynamics, both from the point of view of the modeling and the reconstruction of social dynamics from large scale Web data. His highly interdisciplinary work focuses on the modeling of cultural dynamics and socio-semantic networks (academic, press and web), cognitive economics, quantitative epistemology, scientific discovery processes and the visualization of information. He has also initiated several software projects for the analysis of knowledge dynamics and their visualization. David Chavalarias his the Director of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France and former vice-president of the Complex Systems Society (CSS Service Award in 2014).

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    Dr. Guillaume Chérel - France

    Research Engineer
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    complexity, computer-based modeling, emergence, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, individual-based modeling, multiscale, novelty search, parameter space exploration, simulation

    Modelling and simulation of complex systems. Development of methods and software for simulation experiments.

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    M. Sylvain Chevallier - France

    Assistant professor
    Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes de Versailles
    Université de Versailles Saint Quentin
    computational neuroscience, decision making, machine learning, neural networks, social dynamics, social insects, spiking neurons, swarm intelligence, vision
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    Mr Robert Chew - Singapore

    __, venture capitalist

    Complex systems science and applications in healthcare and social sectors

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    Prof. Eugene Chng - United Kingdom

    NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality
    University of Nottingham Ningbo China
    agent-based modeling, agent-based models, artificial life, behavioral modeling, big data, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex systems, complexity, complexity theory, culture, ecology, emergence, models, multi-agent systems, self-organisation, simulation, sna, social landscapes, social media, social network analysis, social networks, social sciences, society, twitter, virtual environments

    Scholarly activities aside, I love the outdoors and socialise widely. Fine dining is a passion too, so is fitness training and Aikido. But art and science is what I like best.

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    Pascal Chossat - France

    Directeur de recherche émérite
    UMR 7351 / Mathneuro / UCA Inria CNRS
    bifurcation, dynamical systems, neural networks, neuroscience, symmetry breaking, latching dynamics
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    Pascal Chossat - France

    Mathneuro/Inria, umr 7351/GAD/CNRS-Université Côte d_Azur
    bifurcation theory, computational neuroscience, dynamical systems, neural networks
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    Dr. Manuel Clergue - France

    Maître de Conférences
    Université des Antilles
    artificial intelligence, artificial life, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, neural networks

    Cognitive Systems - Cellular Automata - Artificial Evolution

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    Oliver Cliff - Australia

    complex systems, information theory, robotics
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    Natália Coelho de Sena - Brazil

    glass transition, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics
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    Prof. Philippe Collard - France

    Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes (I3S)
    Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    agent-based models and simulation, bio-inspired methods, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, social modeling
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    Prof. Pierre Collet - France

    Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie
    Université de Strasbourg (UDS)
    ant colony optimization, artificial evolution, complex systems, e-learning, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, evolutionary computing, genetic programming, GPGPU, massively parallel computing, nature inspired computing, soft computing, super-computing

    Coordinator of the Digital Campus on Complex Systems of the Strasbourg University (CNSC Strasbourg)
    Using massively parallel GPGPU hardware to simulate, model, predict complex systems

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    Emilie Comes-Trinidad - France

    archaeology, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), networks
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    Massimo Conte - Italy

    instructional designer
    complexity, sna, social network analysis

    Complexity,social network analysis

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    Matteo Convertino - Japan

    Complexity group, Information Communication Networks Lab
    complex networks, information science, predictive modeling
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    Prof. Dr. Antonio Córdoba - Spain

    Departamento de Física de la Materia Condnesada, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla,Spain
    complex networks, complex systems, emergence, self-organization, dynamic phase transitions
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    Dr. Patrick Corsi - Belgium

    Assoc. Prof.
    innovation processes, market value emergence processes, weak signals

    Innovation for any organisation as a sustainable process 
    L'équipe de recherche pluridisciplinaire Presence & innovation est basée à Laval. Elle fait partie du Laboratoire des Arts et Métiers ParisTech d'Angers et regroupe des chercheurs d'Arts et Métiers ParisTech et de l'Université d'Angers

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    Prof. Dr. Ernesto Costa - Portugal

    Full Professor
    Department of Computer Science
    Universidade de Coimbra (UC.PT)
    big data, complex systems, evolutionary computation, machine learning

    Nature Inspired Computation, including Evolutionary Algorithms, Self-Organized Systems, and Computational Biology. Machine Learning including Data Science. Complex Systems.

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    Lucie Costes - France

    big data, complex systems, mathematical modeling, self-organization
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    Prof. Michel Cotsaftis - France


    Dynamics and Control of Complex Systems with Applications to Technologic (Robotics, Mecatronics), Industrial (Steel, Commodity and Oil Industry, and Sciencific Domains (Grids, Biology, Chemistry)

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    Prof. Marie Cottrell - France

    SAMM (Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire)
    Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    neural networks, self-organization, statistics, data analysis

    Neural Networks, Statistics, Kohonen Maps, Data Analysis

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    PhD Christophe Coupé - France

    Research fellow
    Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (DDL)
    Université Lyon 2 – Lumière
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    information theory, language complexity, language emergence, language evolution, language structure, linguistic complexity, linguistic typology, models, models with structural uncertainty, phonology, prehistory
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    Dr. Fabien Crauste - France

    Associate Scientist
    Université Lyon 1 – Claude Bernard (Lyon 1)

    Biomathematics : Stem cells differentiation and maturation processes, Blood cell production (erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis) and blood diseases (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, periodic blood diseases); Stability, Bifurcations, Asymptotic behavior (PDEs, DDEs).

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    Dr. Pascal Crépey - France

    Associate Professor
    UPRES EA-7449 Reperes
    big data, complex networks, epidemiology, mathematical modeling, networks, population dynamics

    Epidemiological modeling, Network models

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    Christophe Cruz - France

    data mining and analysis, machine learning, data science, nlp, knowledge graph
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    Robin Cura - France

    PhD Student
    Géographie Cités
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    agent-based models, dataviz, geography, geovisualization, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), multi-agent systems, social simulation, space-time modeling, spatial analysis, visual analytics, visualization
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    Prof. Danny Czamanski - Israel

    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
    cities, dynamics, ecology
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    Dr. Francesco d'Ovidio - France

    Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentation et Approche Numérique
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    biodiversity, biogeochemical cycles, chaotic stirring, dynamical system theory, marine ecosystems, ocean, oceanography
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    Dries Daems - Belgium

    PhD Student
    Department of Archaeology
    University of Leuven
    agent-based modeling, archaeology, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex systems, social dynamics, social sciences, social systems
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    Prof. Vincent Danos - France

    biological networks, computer science
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    Mr Yasir Dar - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    agent-based modeling, complex adaptive systems (CAS), social network analysis, swarm intelligence, a
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    Luc Darrasse - France

    Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Médicale et Multi-Modalités (IR4M)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
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    Caroline Datchary - France

    collective behavior, cultural evolution, ecology, interaction, social sciences, sociology, multiactivity, cscw, work, social work
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    Dr. Olivier Dauchot - France

    Research Director
    Gulliver (Gulliver)
    Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    colloids, droplets, dynamical systems, hydrodynamics, out of equilibrium systems, soft matter, statistical physics
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    Dr. Eric Daudé - France

    Université de Rouen Normandie
    agent-based simulation, epidemic, geography, risk, spatial diffusion
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    M André Dauphiné - France

    Doyen Honoraire
    Université Internationale de la Mer
    complex systems, fractals, models, multifractals, multiscale, risk, simulation, theoretical geography

    reaction diffusion models and spatial theories

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    Philippe Davy - France

    Géosciences Rennes
    Université de Rennes 1
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
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    Dr. Cedric de Coning - Norway

    Research fellow
    Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
    civil-military coordination, coherence, comprehensive approach, conflict management, international relations, intervention, mediation, negotiation, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, peacemaking

    Cedric de Coning is a research fellow with NUPI and a peacekeeping and peacebuilding advisor for ACCORD. He is also a special advisor to the Head of the Peace Support Operations Division of the African Union, and a member of the Advisory Group of the UN Peacebuilding Fund.______His research interests include emerging powers (BRICS, IBSA, South African foreign policy), interventions (how transformative should they be_), peacekeeping _ peacebuilding (linkages, trends _ challenges), coherence (inherent contradictions and constraints), civil-military coordination and civilian capacity. Theoretically he is interested in the implications of Complexity for international relations in general, and for peacekeeping and peacebuilding in particular.______De Coning has a Masters degree in Conflict Management and Peace Studies (uKZN) and a PhD in Applied Ethics _ Philosophy (uStellenbosch). He started his career as a South African diplomat in Washington D.C. and Addis Ababa, and he has been with the OAU in Algeria, Ethiopia and Sudan, and with the UN in East Timor and in New York. He serves on the research board of CMC Finland and on the editorial board of the journal Peacebuilding.

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    PhD Manlio De Domenico - Spain

    Alephsys Lab
    Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    complexity, networks, universe

    I am mainly interested in complex systems and in exploring hidden patterns in real-world systems. I can not hide my genuine love for theoretical physics.

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    Dr. Giulio de Felice - Italy

    Lecturer _ Clinician
    Sapienza Università di Roma & NCU University London
    complex systems, financial markets, groups, organizations, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy
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    M. Jean-Michel de Lamezan - France

    journaliste / science
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    Rosa Mariana de León-Escribano - France

    data mining and analysis, social network analysis, social sciences
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    Dr. Marcilene De Moura - France

    EASTAP - European Association for the study of theatre and performance
    systémique, performane, systéme flou
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    Ms. Sarah de Nigris - France

    Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    Aix-Marseille université (AMU)
    networks, phase transitions, spin models, statistical mechanics, theoretical physics

    I'm currently a PhD student in the Theoretical Physics Centre (CPT) in Marseilles My current research activity focuses mainly on the thermodynamics of long-range statistical models on networks. I'm also interested in theoretical models for the brain structure and I'm currently involved in a collaboration on these topics.

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    PhD Francesco De Pellegrini - Italy

    Research fellow
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    Fabrizio de Vico Fallani - France

    Inria / Paris Brain Institute
    brain, complex networks, complex systems, graph theory, neuroscience, #frccs2022, brain-computer interface
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    Prof. Franck Delaplace - France

    Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes (IBISC)
    Université d_Evry Val d_Essonne (UEVE)
    biologcial network, abduction, cancer therapy
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    Etienne Delay - Senegal

    Ecole Polytechnique de Dakar, UCAD
    agent-based models, agronomy, complex systems, geography, openmole, sustainable development, frccs2022
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    complex systems, computer systems, dependability of complex technological dynamic systems, energy production and distribution, hybrid systems, instrumentation and control, organisational systems, risk analysis, risk assessment, robustness, systems of systems

    Senior Researcher in EDF R&D

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    Simon Dellac - France

    social sciences, python, django
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    Yves Demazeau - France

    Laboratoire d_informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
    Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA)
    artificial intelligence, emergence, evaluation, learning, methodology, multi-agent systems, organisations, privacy, trust, user-centring

    Multi-Agent Systems, Artificial Intelligence : Applications, Emergence, Evaluation, Learning, Methodology, Organisations, Privacy, Trust, User-Centring.

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    Dr. Thibault J. Derrien - Czech Republic

    Senior Post-Doc
    Institute of Physics / HiLASE Centre / RP4
    Czech Academy of Sciences
    complex systems, femtosecond laser, laser ablation, laser-induced periodic surface structures, laser-matter interaction, plasmonics, quantum mechanics, self-organization, surface plasmon polaritons, density functional theory, ultrafast phenomena, ultrafast optics, dft, tddft

    TJYD obtained his PhD at Aix-Marseille University (France) in continuum modeling of laser-matter interaction with Prof. T. Itina. After developing further the theory of periodic structure formation with Dr Jörn Bonse (BAM, Berlin), he obtained a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the group of Prof. N.M. Bulgakova (Hilase, Prague) to develop further the theory of intense laser interactions with matter jointly with the group of quantum dynamics of Prof. Angel Rubio (MPSD, Hamburg).

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    Jean-Louis Dessalles - France

    Telecom ParisTech
    complexity drop, complexity reduction, emergence of communication, honest communication, simplicity, simulation of evolution

    Emergence of honest communication, Origin of language, Relevance as complexity drop

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    Renaud Detaille - France

    interdisciplinarity, systemic visualisation, graphic cartography of complexity
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    Laura Di Domenico - France

    complex systems, epidemiology, mathematical modeling, frccs2022, covid-19
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    Dr. Chaouki I. Diab - Lebanon

    ISAE-Cnam Liban
    Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM)
    data, data processing, information coding, signal and image processing
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    Dr. Ada Diaconescu - France

    Assistant professor
    Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information
    Telecom ParisTech
    architecture, autonomic computing, complex adaptive systems (CAS), component-oriented and service-oriented computing, frameworks, middleware, organic computing, self-growing software, software engineering

    Extract concepts, algorithms and design patterns from existing complex adaptive systems and reuse them to construct artificial systems featuring similar characteristics.

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    Henk Dijkstra - Netherlands

    Department of Physics
    Utrecht University
    climate change, complex networks, dynamical systems
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    Rui M. Dilao - Portugal


    Mathematical Biology
    Dynamical Systems

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    Mr. Basil Dimitriou - Australia

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    Prof. Dan-Gheorghe Dimitriu - Romania

    Associated Professor
    Self-Organization Laboratory (SOL)
    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

    Complex structures, chaos and self-organization in plasma physics

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    Issa Moussa Diop - Senegal

    Laboratoire d_algèbre, cryptographie, code et application/Informatique
    complex networks, machine learning, models
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    Dr. Rudolf R.H. Dittrich - Germany

    Entrepreneur, Dr.
    RD-AVENUE.COM - Research and Development Office for Applied Physics and Engineering
    continuous modeling, discrete modeling, feedback and control systems, interaction and behaviour of complex engineering systems, mathematics, monte carlo, monte carlo simulation, simulation, transport processes in physics and the geosciences

    Modeling and simulation of complex engineering systems, including fracture-mechanical problems, transport processes in physics and the geosciences, and Applied Physics applications. Analysis, design and development of embedded system software (mainly in the automobile industry and adjacent sectors). Application of numerical methods to the beforementioned areas (finite elements, Monte Carlo simulation, non-linear modeling of feedback and control systems, discrete modeling, etc.). Network analysis (industrial applications, Industry 4.0, social systems, etc.). Within the CSS community: 1. Council member for the 2012 to 2014 period. 2. Until early 2015, participation in the development and setting up of one of the web sites of the Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC). 3. Member of the Programme Committee of CCS 2016. 4. Tutoring industrial customers on complex systems (theory and practical aspects).

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    Prof. Simon Dobson - United Kingdom

    Professor of Computer Science
    University of St Andrews
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, epidemic spreading, simulation, simplicial topology
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    Dr. Stéphane Doncieux - France

    Associate Professor
    Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
    Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    artificial intelligence, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, neural networks, robotics
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    Ivan Dornic - France

    Research Fellow
    Service de Physique de l_Etat Condensé (SPEC)
    Commissariat à l_Energie Atomique (CEA)
    agent-based models, emergence, mathematical modeling, mathematics, models, morphogenesis, statistical physics
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    Dobromir Dotov - Canada

    collective behavior, neuroscience, psychology
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    Prof. René Doursat - France

    Informatics Research Centre, School of Computing
    Manchester Metropolitan University
    artificial life, biological development, categorization, cognitive linguistics, computational neuroscience, evolutionary computation, large-scale spiking neural networks, morphogenesis, morphogenetic engineering, pattern formation, self-assembly, spatial computing

    In the vast land of complex systems, I commute back and forth between computational biology and bio-inspired computing. On the way, I founded the field of morphogenetic engineering (ME), which explores new methodologies to model and create complex architectures that self-organize from a swarm of heterogeneous agents, in particular by development. Such emergent structures can be modular robots, synthetic organisms, or large autonomic networks of computing devices.

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    Johan L. Dubbeldam - Netherlands

    Department of Applied Mathematics (DIAM)
    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
    dynamics on networks, electricity networks, exclusion processes, generating functions, networks, nonequilibrium statistical physics, polymer translocation

    I am interested in the dynamics of and on networks, in particular biological and electricity networks. I like to develop models for real life problems

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    M. Emmanuel Dubois - France

    Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA)
    agent-based social simulation, collective action, social psychology

    Links between social psychology and social simulation

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    Dr. Michel Dufossé - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    basal ganglia, brain modeling, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, cognition, cognitive science, computational neuroscience, neuroscience, social memory
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    oscar dufour - France

    Phd student
    ILM/Modélisation de la matière condensée et des interfaces/69100
    active matter, collective behavior, pedestrian, stop and go waves
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    Dr. Julie Dugdale - France

    Informatics, mathematics and applications (IMAG)
    Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    Multi-agent systems, socio-cognitive modelling, agent-based social simulation, crisis management

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    Mathilde Dumazet - France

    journalism, datajournalism, investigative journalism, sciences po, ecole de journalisme
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    Olivier Dupouët - France

    Kedge Business School
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), learning, community
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    Prof. Jérôme Durand-Lose - France

    Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans (LIFO, Université d'Orléans)
    Université d'Orléans
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    Tim Dutton - USA

    data mining and analysis, policy, equity, racism, justice, fairness
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    Erik Edlund - Sweden

    PhD student
    Chalmers University of Technology (Chalmers)
    coarse graining, hierarchies, markov chains, patchy colloids, self-assembly
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    Dr. Bruce Edmonds - United Kingdom

    Director of Lab and Senior Research Fellow
    Centre for Policy Modelling (CPM)
    the Manchester Metropolitan University
    agent-based simulation, context-dependency, critical transitions, evolutionary models, methodology, philosophy, social simulation

    Social simulation, application of social mechanisms in computation, evolutionary models of society, measures of complexity, methodology of modelling, cognitive models of context, socially situated intelligence, and everything else.

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    Peter Eerens - Belgium

    collective behavior, graph theory, network theory
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    Mohammed El Hassouni - Morocco

    complex networks, deep learning, neural networks, network embedding
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    artificial intelligence, data, machine learning, natural language processing, fake-news, language models, transformers, fact-checking, misinformation, deep neural networks
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    cheikh brahim el vaigh - France

    #datapol, fake news, npl
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    Dr. Christos Ellinas - United Kingdom

    EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow
    Engineering Mathematics
    University of Bristol
    agent-based models, complex networks, complex projects, complex systems, networks, risk management, socio-technical systems, systems engineering

    I am currently an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow at University of Bristol (UK), and a Visiting Professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology (USA). My current work focuses on the application of network science to project robustness_resilience. More generally, I am interested in the broad application of Network Science and Mathematical Modelling to a variety of engineering challenges, including Project (Risk) Management, Team Performance and Supply Chain Management. I have an MEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering and an EngD in Systems Engineering

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    Fabien Eloire - France

    Centre Lillois d_Etudes et de Recherches Economiques
    network analysis, regulation, social dynamics, social network analysis, social networks, social sciences, sociology, embeddedness
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    Dr. Ayse Erzan - Turkey

    Istanbul Technical University
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    Jonathan Ewbank - France

    Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy
    Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (Inserm)
    antimicrobial peptide, c. elegans, functional genomics, fungal infection, genetics, HTS, signal transduction

    Systems biology of host-pathogen interactions

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    Prof. Marisa Faggini - Italy

    Assistant Professor

    Complexity in Economics, Chaos Theory, Control of Chaos Theory

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    Robert R. Faivre - France

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    biometrics, metamodeling, sensitivity analysis, statistics

    statistique et changement d'échelle
    analyse de sensibilité de modèles pour la meta-modélisation

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    Robert Faivre - France

    INRA, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées Toulouse, UR0875
    data mining and analysis, mathematical modeling, simulation, changement d_échelle, métamodélisation
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    Aisha Farooqui - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    agent-based modeling, complex adaptive systems, game theory
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    Nazim Fatès - France

    Laboratoire Lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications (LORIA)
    Université de Lorraine
    cellular automata

    asynchronous cellular automata _ stochastic cellular automata _ multi-agent systems

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    Benjamin Faucher - France

    complex networks, complex systems, epistemology
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    Dr. Emmanuel Faure - France

    Research Engineer
    Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée (CREA)
    Ecole Polytechnique
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    Machine Learning, embryogenesis, morphodynamics, adaptive systems, artificial life, cognition, genetic networks, neural networks

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    Philippe Faverdin - France

    senior scientist
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

    Management of dairy systems

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    Dr. Jean-Daniel Fekete - France

    Directeur de recherche
    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA)
    graph drawing, human-computer interaction, visualization

    Information visualization, social networks, evolution of the sciences

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    Mathilde fekom - France

    biological networks, complex networks, network dynamics, optimization, population dynamics, social networks, mathematical modelling, visualis
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    Quentin Feltgen - Belgium

    Ghent University - GLIMS
    complex systems, cultural evolution, language change, self-organization, statistical physics, language organization, zipf law
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    Dr. Qing Yi Feng - Netherlands

    Centre for Complex Systems Studies
    Utrecht University
    complex networks, complexity science, nonlinear dynamics

    Research Interest: Complexity theories and their applications in real-world problem solving, such as climate change, social issues and health care. Short Bio: I_m a passionate-for-life-and-dedicated-to-work Complexity scientist with backgrounds in Climate Dynamics (PhD degree), Complex Systems Science (Double Master degree), and Environmental Science (Master degree). I have lived in 6 countries (CN, UK, FR, NL, DE and IL) and visited many other places through studies and traveling. My inter-disciplinary and multi-cultural experience shaped me into a proactive team-player, who is fast in learning and adapting, and efficient in communication and coordination.

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    PhD Gustavo A. Ferreira - Uruguay

    agricultural systems, agroforestry systems, cybernetics, decision making, decision support systems, dynamical models, livestock production systems
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    marie Ferru - France

    geography, networks, partnerships, sciences
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    Julien Figeac - France

    Chargé de recherche CNRS
    LISST / Université de Toulouse II
    social media, social network analysis, sociology
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    M. António J. Filipe Fonseca - Portugal

    Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE)
    Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (IUL)
    complex systems, information theory

    Complexity Measures, Information Theory, Game theory, Social Networks, Multi-Agent Systems, #eccs13

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    PhD Alessandro Filisetti - Italy

    Università degli Studi di Bologna (UNIBO)
    autocatalitic sets of molecules, bioeconomy, catalytic reaction networks, complex systems, origins of life, protocell

    Synchronization Phenomena in Protocell models
    Stochastic Catalytic Reaction Networks
    Emergent Behaviors
    Technology Diffusion Dynamics

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    M. Christoph Fink - Austria

    cartography, critical theory, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), models, postmodern societies, quantitative methods, social geography, social sciences, social segregation, urban processes
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    Prof. Michael D. Fischer - United Kingdom

    Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing (CSAC)
    University of Kent
    kinship, knowledge, meaning, symbol-object interface, symbolic computing

    Music, Mathmatics, General Science, Robotics, Micro-controllers and sensors

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    Dr. Roberto Flores-Guevara - France

    development, eeg, evoked potentials, nervous system, plasticity, prematures and neonates

    Development and plasticity of the CNS in humans and animals.

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    Dr. Guilherme Fonseca-Statter - Portugal

    Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE)
    Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (IUL)
    agent-based computational economics, crisis, economy, emergency, sociology

    The Political Economy of Underdevelopment, African Studies, World-system, Marxian analysis (the labor theory of value and the falling tendency of the rate of profit as an explanation of recurrent systemic crisis), Dialectical thinking.

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    M. Francesc Font-Clos - Spain

    Complex Systems Research Group at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
    Centre de Recerca Matemàtica
    bifurcation, branching processes, complex systems and networks, language dynamics, metabolic networks, soc, social complexity, sociology
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    Sylvain Fontaine - France

    PhD student
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    artificial intelligence, complex networks, complex systems, computational social science, data mining and analysis, scientometrics, sociology of science, statistical physics
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    Luc Foubert - France

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    PhD Hélène Fouillet - France

    Permanent researcher
    Unit 914 INRA-AgroParisTech PNCA (Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Ingestive Behavior) (PNCA)
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    identifiability, modeling in physiology and nutrition, multicompartmental models of protein and amino acid metabolism, optimization, parameter estimation, simulation, validation

    modeling of biological, physiological, metabolic and nutritional systems

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    Richard Fournier - France

    energy, engineering, monte carlo, statistical physics, statistics, infinite scale ratios, infinite dimension
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    Prof. Alexandra Fronville - France

    Assistant professor
    Université Européenne de Bretagne (UEB)
    morphogenesis, morphological analysis, viability theory

    Je m'intéresse à la théorie de la viabilité et en particulier à l'analyse morphologique et mutationelle , ses motivations, et ses applications aux sciences cognitives, à la morphogénèse, aux systèmes complexes, sans oublier les développements mathématiques et algorithmiques de cette théorie.

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    Dr.rer.nat Carlos Fuhrhop - Germany

    Research Fellow
    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
    bionanosensors, FET nanosensors, modelation of the elektrospinnig process, nanofibers fabrication with electrospinning, mechanical _ electrical characterization of the nanofibers, adaptive and model predictive control, atomic force microscope, confocal laser scanning microscope, electromagnetics, electronics transport

    Biosensors, Reconfigurable Control Theory, Adaptive and model predictive control, Control algorithms for AFM, Artificil Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks, robotics, sociology.

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    Istrate Gabriel - _none

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    Dr. Valerie Gacogne - France

    Founder of Complexio
    public policies, serious games, strategy, system dynamics, _complex systems, computer simulation, economics_, transport economics

    Interactive and Dynamic Simulations of Complex Systems, System Dynamics, Economics, transport economics

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    Dr. José M. Galán - Spain

    Universidad de Burgos
    agent-based modeling, complex networks, complex systems, social simulation
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    M. Juan Galan Paez - Spain

    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación en Inteligencia Artificial
    Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO)
    bounded rationality, complex systems, data mining and analysis, formal concept analysis
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    Matthieu Galley - France

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    Yérali Gandica - France

    Laboratoire De Physique Théorique et Modélisation
    agent-based models, complex networks, complex systems, critical phenomena, financial networks, statistical physics
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    Dr. Daniel Gandolfo - France

    French Ministery of Education and Research
    inhomogeneous random graphs, statistical physics

    Statistical mechanics, Random graphs.

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    Floriana Gargiulo - France

    complex networks, computational social science, innovation dynamics, science of science
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    Prof. Nicolas Garrido - Chile

    agent-based models, macroeconomics, technological change
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    Absa Gassama - Senegal

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de l_Université Virtuelle du Sénégal
    groupes professionnels informels, métiers et réseaux, institutionnalisation de pratiques professionnelles
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    Alexander Gates - USA

    complex networks, complexity science, computational social science, information theory, social networks, sociology
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    Dr. Cédric Gaucherel - France

    Dr of Sc. (HDR)
    botAnique et bioInforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes (AMAP)
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    abiotic components, atmosphere, ecosystems, fauna dynamic, land cover, nature, ocean, relief, soil sciences, spatial patterns, trophic networks, vegetation

    Central subject of interest are ecosystem and landscape functionning.

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    Odile Gaultier-Voituriez - France

    CEVIPOF (Sciences Po)
    #datapol, #sondages, #archives, #donnéesdelarecherche, #histoire, #élections, #correspondance, #documentation, #méthodologie
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    Bruno Gaume - France

    cognition, cognitive science, complex networks, data mining and analysis, graph theory, mathematical modeling, text mining, visualization
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    Noé Gaumont - France

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    iscpif, residentisc
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    Noé Gaumont - France

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    community detection, complex networks, graph theory, flot de liens, linkstream, #residentisc, #iscpif
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    Thomas Gautier - France

    atmosphere, planetary science, mass spectrometry, tholins, titan, comets
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    Dr. Mathieu Génois - France

    Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
    Aix-Marseille université (AMU)
    collective behavior, complex networks, complex systems, computational social science, sociophysics, statistical physics
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    Dr. Nicolas Gensollen - France

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
    complex networks, optimization, smart grids, blockchain

    I am a postdoctoral reasearcher in the Complex Networks team, at the computer science laboratory of Paris 6 (LIP6) since December 2018. My work at LIP6 is focused on designing methods for the automatic detection of anomalies in large sequences of interactions. I also have a strong interest in the study of social systems relying on the blockchain technology.

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    Dr. Jean-Pierre J. Georgé - France

    Associate Professor
    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
    Université Toulouse 3 – Sabatier
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    artificial intelligence, cooperation, emergence, multi-agent systems, problem solving, self-adaptive systems, self-organization

    I am an Associate Professor (Maître de conférence) in Computer Science at the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France.

    My speciality is Artificial Intelligence and more precisely Emergent Problem Solving using Cooperative Self-Organization and Multi-Agent Systems.

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    Dr. Carlos Gershenson - Mexico

    Research Professor
    Instituto de Investigaciones en Matematicas Aplicadas y en Sistemas
    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
    adaptive systems, artificial life, complexity, complexity digest, equal headway instability, evolution, information, philosophy, random boolean networks, robustness, self-organization, traffic lights

    self-organizing systems, evolutionary transitions, distributed cognition, evolution of cognition, artificial societies, behaviour-based systems, complexity theory, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, ontology, paraconsistent logics, artificial life, random boolean networks, virtual laboratories

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    Dr. Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad - Germany

    Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
    boolean dynamics, complex networks, langage evolution, sociophysics
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    Prof. Michael Ghil - France

    Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche sur l'Environnement et la Société
    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm (ENS Ulm)
    atmospheric and oceanic sciences, boolean delay equations, climate, climate dynamics, dynamical and complex systems theory, dynamical systems, environment, estimation theory, extreme events and prediction, geophysical fluid dynamics, macroeconomics, numerical and statistical methods, remote sensing and applications

    In the Theoretical Climate Dynamics (TCD) group we study climate dynamics on all time scales -- from intraseasonal, through interannual and interdecadal, to millenial -- using the methods of dynamical systems theory. We apply these methods to observations, numerical models, and experiments concerning the climate system -- the atmosphere, ocean, bio- and cryosphere -- through collaboration with researchers in North America and on other continents. Our group is led by Prof. Michael Ghil of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (Center for Earth Systems Research) at UCLA.

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    M. Adel Ghouti - France

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    Dr. Jacques Gignoux - France

    Directeur de recherches
    Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (iEES-Paris UMR 7618)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    ecosystem, fire, hierarchy, individual-based ecology, savanna, simulation
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    Prof. Nigel Gilbert - United Kingdom

    Centre for Research in Social Simulation (CRESS)
    University of Surrey
    agent-based models, emergence, energy modeling, environment, innovation, methods, privacy, social sciences, social simulation
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    Prof. Mauricio Girardi - Brazil

    Associate Professor
    Coordenadoria Especial de Física, Química e Matemática
    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    monte carlo, monte carlo simulation, predator-prey models, water model

    Population dynamics, Monte Carlo simulations, models for water

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    Dr. Aristotelis S. Gkiolmas - Greece

    complex systems in nature, ecological complexity, education, netlogo, sustainability

    I am training students (of High-School and University level) about complex systems in Nature and Ecological Complexity, mainly Using NetLogo as atool of instruction.
    I am working in the Faculty of Primary Education, University of Athens, GREECE.

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    Prof. James P. Gleeson - Ireland

    University of Limerick
    complex networks, mathematical modeling

    Dynamics on complex networks

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    M. Pierre Glize - France

    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    adaptive multi-agent systems, cooperation, emergence, self-organisation

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    Sergio Gómez - Spain

    Associate Professor
    ALEPHSYS / Dept. Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques
    Universitat Rovira i Virgili
    collective phenomena, community detection, complex networks, complex systems, social dynamics, spreading processes
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    Dr. Bruno M. Gonçalves - France

    Maître de conférences
    Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    Aix-Marseille université (AMU)
    complex networks, complex systems, data mining and analysis, dynamical networks, epidemiology, modeling of biological and socio-technical systems, social dynamics, social media

    My research activity focuses on using computational, visualization and data analysis methods for the study of Complex Systems in a multidisciplinary context. Current projects include detailed epidemic modeling in structured populations; knowledge diffusion on large technological networks; and the study of human behavior through the analysis of proxy social network dynamics

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    Amélie Gonçalves - France

    innovation processes, circular economy, geography of innovation _ environmental innovation
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    Prof. Jorge A. González - Mexico

    LabCOMplex - Complex R+D Communication Laboratory - Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Comunicación Compleja
    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
    complex systems, ethnosociology of symbolic ecologies, r_d of emergent knowledge communities, applied methodology of genetic epistemology, symbolic dimension of food systems

    Research and development of emergent local knowledge communities in México and Latin America. An action research methodology for the study of knowledge generation from communitarian organization in a distributed cognition social form confronting a practical problem.

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    Dr. Juan Miguel González Velasco - Mexico

    Investigador Titular
    collective intelligence in school class, educative cycle, metacomplejidad, metacomplexity

    Educación y temas relacionados con Complejidad e Investigación Transdisciplinar
    Complejidad y Transdisciplinariedad Educativa, ecoformación, formación en cuarto grado en el paradigma emergente. 
    Presidente de la Cátedra de Complejidad y Transdisciplinariedad Educativa

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    Juliana Gonzalez-Astudillo - France

    PhD candidate
    brain, machine learning, brain networks, lateralization
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    Valérie Gouet-Brunet - France

    Senior researcher
    Lab. LaSTIG /MATIS group
    big data, computer vision, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), image analysis, image processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, spatial analysis, remote sensing, cbir, data mining, cultural heritage, mapping

    Valerie Gouet-Brunet has been research director in the LaSTIG Lab. of the French Mapping Agency (IGN) since 2012. Since 2014, she has been the head of the MATIS research group of the LaSTIG, which is dedicated to research on computer vision, photogrammetry and remote sensing for terrestrial, aerial and satellite imagery. Before, she was assistant professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris, France. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science in 2000 from the University of Montpellier, France and her habilitation to direct research in 2008 from Pierre et Marie Curie University, France. _Her area of research includes content-based indexing and retrieval (CBIR) of collections of image and video contents at large scale, with a focus on local image descriptors, on the representation of spatial relationships and on multidimensional index structures.

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    Carlos Gracia-Lázaro - Spain

    collective phenomena, complex networks, complex systems, social dynamics, sociophysics
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    Clara Grácio - Portugal

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    philippe grandguillaume - France

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    Guillaume Gravier - France

    (CNRS / IRISA)
    computer vision, natural language processing, multimedia
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    M. Andrej Grebenc - Belgium

    complexity in economc growth, complexity in traffic, smart grids
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    Mr James Greyson - United Kingdom

    Independent researcher
    climate, conflict, cross-issue solutions, economics, environment, global systems, leverage points, paradigm shift, policy, reframing problems, security, systemic solutions, systems thinking, tipping points, waste

    Research, design and presenting novel policy solutions working across issues at global scale.

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    Prof. Francisco Grimaldo - Spain

    Associate Professor
    Universitat de València
    agent-based models, computational social choice, social simulation
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    Michel Grossetti - France

    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    Social theory
    Social networks
    Social dynamics

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    Dr. Eric P. Guichard - France

    (équipe RST)
    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm (ENS Ulm)
    cole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques (ENSSIB)
    bibliometrics, epistemology, history and digital methods, internet, maps, methodology of social sciences, methods, neo-geography, philosophy of the internet, scholar worlds, writing

    practices of the internet (sociology and measures), cyber-geography, history of (scientifical) writing, technologies of the intellect of today, epistemology

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    Prof. Jean-Loup Guillaume - France

    Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
    Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    community detection, complex networks, complex systems, graph mining
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    Guillaume Guimbretière - France

    Research Fellow
    atmosphere, chemistry, complex systems, environment, epistemology, experimentation, multiscale, spectroscopy, mapping, volcano, in situ, volcanic plume, lava, aerosols, high temperature, nuclear materials, glasses, optics, extreme conditions
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    Prof. Frédéric Guinand - France

    Laboratoire d'Informatique, du Traitement de l'Information et des Systèmes (LITIS)
    Université Le Havre Normandie (ULH)
    ant algorithms, collective intelligence, complex networks, distributed computing, dynamic graphs, mobile ad hoc networks, swarm intelligence
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    Dr. José Luis Guisado - Spain

    Associate Professor
    Computer Architecture and Technology Department
    Universidad de Sevilla
    agent-based models, cellular automata, collective behavior, emerging behavior, entropy, evolutionary computation, genetic algorithm, GPGPU, high performance computing, individual-based models, laser, MPI, parallel computing, population dynamics, simulation, individual-based models cellular automata, laser dynamics
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    Dr. Önder Gürcan - France

    Trustworthy, Intelligent and Self-Organizing Systems Laboratory
    Commissariat à l_Energie Atomique (CEA)
    agent-based modeling, complex adaptive systems (CAS), multi-agent systems, self-organization, distributed problem solving, biological neural networks, blockchains, self-_ systems

    I am interested in working on interdisciplinary topics that combines distributed problem solving with other domains like multi-agent systems, collective intelligence, self-organization and self-adaptation, simulation of biological systems, distributed clock synchronization, economy and law.

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    Dr. Boris Gutkin - France

    senior researcher
    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm (ENS Ulm)
    computational neuroscience, dynamical systems

    Computational neuroscience, dynamical systems, addiction research, stochastic differential equations.

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    Alexandra Guzmán Velázquez - Mexico

    Informatics, mathematics and applications (IMAG)
    chaos, complexity, dynamical systems, mathematical biology, mathematics, bifurcations, excitable media, cardiac electrical activity, reaction diffusion system
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    José Halloy - France

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain LIED UMR8236
    artificial intelligence, collective behavior, collective intelligence, complex networks, complex systems, dynamical systems, neural networks, nonlinear dynamics, robotics, social sciences, social systems, sustainability, sustainable development, swarm intelligence
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    José Halloy - France

    (LIED UMR8236)
    collective behavior, dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamics, self-organization, systems biology
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    Robin Hamer - United Kingdom


    The application of a complexity science framework to multi national business. An interesting project I'm working on at the moment is a cultural change program for Probusinessbank in Russia

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    None Fred F. Hasselman - Netherlands

    Assistant Professor
    Behavioural Science Institute
    Radboud University Nijmegen
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, complex systems, idiographic approach, complexity matching, radical embodied computation

    Application and Development of nonlinear methods and models for the behavioural sciences:______Developmental Psychology___Brain research___Action and Perception

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    Aurélien Hazan - France

    Assistant professor
    Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LiSSi)
    Universite de Paris Est Créteil (UPEC)
    complex networks, engineering, network analysis, statistical physics

    Ordered networks (e.g. industrial processes, lifecycle analysis). Maximum entropy. Power flow. Economic network.

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    Dr. Gaston Heimeriks - Netherlands

    Assistant professor
    complexity, evolution, gaston, indicators, innovation, knowledge, regime, science, technology
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    Dr. Thomas M. Hermans - France

    Assistant professor
    Université de Strasbourg (UDS)
    non-covalent, non-equilibrium, self-organization, supramolecular, thermodynamics

    ...obtaining adaptive, self-healing, self-replicating and ultimately living systems (and materials) using molecular self-assembly under far-from-equilibrium conditions.

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    Dr. Gonzalo Hernandez - Chile

    Associate Professor
    Universidad de Valparaiso (UV)
    complex systems, models, simulation

    A complex system that comes from science, engineering or industry can be represented by a mathematical model constructed by a process of abstraction including the formulation of a hypothesis and simplification, the modeling of the behavior of the elements and subsystems of which it is composed, as well as the interactions which exist between those elements. This process generates highly complex analytical models which make it necessary to carry out a detailed numerical study to improve, verify and validate these models. The numerical study is developed by means of large scale simulation and visualization which require the fast and efficient processing of complex algorithms and large amounts of information.

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    Dr. Laura Hernandez - France

    (in french : MdC-HC, HDR)
    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation UMR8089 CNRS-UCP (LPTM)
    Université de Cergy-Pontoise
    complex networks, computational physics, condensed matter, mutualists ecological systems, opinion dynamics, phase transitions, social systems, statistical physics, cultural dynamics, monte carlo methods

    I_m a physicist, associate professor at Cergy Pontoise University since 1993, I did my undergraduate studies at Buenos Aires University, I have obtained my PhD in Physics in 1993 at the Institut Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) Toulouse, France and my HDR (Habilitation to Conduct Research_ French diploma) in 2015, at Cergy Pontoise University. I_m involved in several organizations that promote and develop the study of Complex Systems. I_m a member of the Direction Board of the Institute of Complex Systems of Paris-Ile-de-France (ISCpif). I_m also a Councilor of the Complex System Digital Campus (CS-DC Unitwin UNESCO). and of the Complex Systems Society (CCS). My research interests go from the study of complexity in Physics, as in Phase Transitions or Disordered Magnetic Systems, to the study of Complex Systems in other fields like Ecology or Social Sciences, with the tools and the point of view of Physics. I have created (2009) and directed until 2015, the Complex Systems Path of the Master Theoretical Physics and Applications, double diploma program in association with the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, that had obtained the label of _French-Spanish Master_.

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    Laura Hernandez - France

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
    computational social science, networks, opinion dynamics, phase transitions, statistical physics, mutualist ecosystems
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    Prof. Emilio Hernandez-Garcia - Spain

    CSIC Research Professor
    Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC)
    Spanish Higher Research Council (CSIC)
    chaos, complex networks, ecosystems, evolution, interacting particle systems, Lyapunov exponents, nonlinear dynamics, ocean, ocean dynamics, pattern formation, chaotic advection, birth-death processes

    Nonlinear Science, Statistical Physics, Chaos, and their geophysical and biological applications

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    Prof. Jose Luis Herrera Diestra - Venezuela

    chaos, complex systems, econophysics, emergent behavior, epidemiology, networks, sociophysics, time series

    Econophysics, Sociophysics, biological systems, Network Science.

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    Matthieu Herrmann - Australia

    Monash University
    category theory, computer science, logic, programming, time series, compilation, functionnal programming
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    Prof. Francis Heylighen - Belgium

    research professor
    Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group (ECCO)
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    cognition, collective intelligence, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complexity increase, cybernetics, evolution, global brain, internet, networks, self-organization

    I focus on the emergence and evolution of complex organization:
    How does a collection of autonomous, but interacting, agents self-organize? How does it evolve to an increasingly cooperative, adaptive and intelligent system? What does such spontaneous evolution imply for our scientific worldview?

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    Prof. Daniel Heymann - Argentina

    agent-based models, macroeconomics, economic development
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    M. Andreas Hieronymi - Switzerland

    coaching, complexity, leadership, organizations, systems theory, systems thinking
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    Luis Higuera Calderon - Colombia

    computational social science, data mining and analysis, social network analysis, knowledge graphs
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    Dr. Vincent Hilaire - France

    Associate Professor

    Multi-Agent Systems, Holonic Systems, Organisational theories, Formal methods

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    Danielle Hilhorst - France

    Directeur de Recherche

    Analyse Non Linéaire des Equations aux Dérivées Partielles -- Analyse Numérique

    Modélisation mathématique en
    biologie, médecine, chimie et
    milieux poreux

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    Dr. Brigitte Hoeltzener - France

    Spécialiste Management et Qualité de projets
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    complex systems, organization and decision making, risk management, self-orientation, systems theory
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    Dr. Guy Hoelzer - USA

    Associate Professor
    University of Nevada Reno
    bioinformatics, collective behavior, complex adaptive systems (CAS), ecology, evolution, evolutionary computation, self-organization, spatial networks

    Biological evolution_ self-organization_ social systems_ behavioral ecology

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    Prof. Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr - South Africa

    Professor of Biocomplexity and Biochemistry
    University of Stellenbosch
    computational systems biology, metabolic control and regulation, origin of life, self-fabrication
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    Prof. Yurij Holovatch - Ukraine

    Head of the laboratory
    Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
    ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    complex networks, critical behavior, phase transitions, scaling
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    Gilles Hubert - France

    Associate professor
    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
    Université Toulouse 3 - Sabatier
    computer science, information retrieval, scientometrics
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    Dr. Isabelle Hue - France

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    developmental biology, modelisation, morphogenesis, prediction
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    Laszlo Barna Iantovics - Romania

    Senior Lecturer Dr. M.Sc

    Complex Systems, Intelligent Agents, Evolutionary Agents, Intelligent Distributed Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Medical Systems, Biomedical Computing, Medical Informatics

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    Roberto Interdonato - France

    complex networks, data mining and analysis, machine learning, network analysis, remote sensing
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    Dr. Antonio Iovanella - Italy

    Department of Enterprise Engineering
    Università Roma 2 - Tor Vergata (UNIROMA2)
    complex networks, innovation, resilience
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    David ISC-PIF - France

    cognition, complex networks, game theory, imitation, statistical physics
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    Dr. Sudhir Jain - United Kingdom

    Aston University (Aston)

    Econophysics, sociology, traffic modelling, networks

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    Dr. Marc Jeanpierre - France

    Assistant professor
    Université Paris 5 - Descartes (Paris 5)
    archeogenetics, genetics, population genetics

    Extracting meaningful information from DNA

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    Dr. Robert Jeansoulin - Canada

    Embassy Science Advisor
    Laboratoire Informatique Gaspard Monge (LIGM)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    spatial analysis, uncertainty management

    data quality and uncertainty, geographic information

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    Prof. Henrik J. Jensen - United Kingdom

    Centre for Complexity Science and Department of Mathematics
    Imperial College London
    evolution, statistical mechanics, evolutionary dynamics statistical mechanics

    Statistical Mechanics Complex Systems. Evolutionary dynamics, Record dynamics, Network dynamics, EEG analysis of music

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    Dr. Aron Jinaru - Luxembourg

    Centrul pentru Studiul Complexitatii
    complexity management, economics of complexity, epistemology of complexity
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    Mr Job - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    employment, post-doc, phd
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    PhD Ton A. Jörg - Netherlands

    Research fellow
    Utrecht University

    author of "New Thinking in Complexity for the Social Sciences - A Gnerative, Transdisciplinary Approach". Now busy with new book about "A New Science of Complexity" which encompasses a general theory of complexity, linking complexity with network thinking.

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    Juergen Jost - Germany

    Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI-MIS)
    cognition, dynamical systems, game theory, graph theory, history of science, information theory, theoretical biology, social interactions, new economic theory, theoretical neuroscience

    Complex Systems_ Cognition and Neural Systems, Systems Biology, Social Systems Theory_ Mathematical Methods, including Dynamical Systems, Information Theory, Network Theory, Calculus of Variations, Partial Differential Equations_ Formation of Structure, Emergence, Autonomy, Differentiation

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    Prof. François Jouen - France


    Complex systems modelling and simulation of brain development

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    Bertrand Jouve - France

    Institut d_Etudes des Systèmes Complexes de Toulouse
    cognitive science, complex networks, graph theory, mathematical modeling, social sciences
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    Edgardo D. Jovero - Spain

    PhD Economics
    hopf bifurcation

    nonlinear dynamic modelling in macroeconomics
    econophysics, differential equations

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    Mr Hari k - India

    art, complex systems, complexity, networks, thinking

    Cognition, Economic systems, Social systems, Design, Architecture

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    Ken Kahn - United Kingdom

    Senior Researcher
    agent-based models, netlogo, teaching models

    Agent-based modelling

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    Dr. Jaan Kalda - Estonia

    Senior researcher
    Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Institute of Cybernetics (CENS-KI)
    Tallinn University of Technology (TTÜ)
    econophysics, intermittent time-series, statistical topography, turbulent mixing

    Turbulent mixing: scaling and geometrical complexity of passive scalar fields and droplet nucleation in warm clouds; complex systems in geology, biology and finance: mathematical modelling and scaling laws

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    Dr. Christel Kamp - Germany

    Research Scientist
    Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - Biostatistics
    adaptation, agent-based models, biological networks, co-evolution, computational biology, epidemiology, HIV, mathematics, models, public health, quasispecies, social networks, statistics, systems biology, virus evolution
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    Dr. Rushed Kanawati - France

    Associate prof.

    Dynamic networks, Social network mining

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    Stamatis Karnouskos - Germany


    Software Engineering, Adaptive Systems, Cyber-Physical System of Systems

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    Marton Karsai - Austria

    Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University
    complex networks, complex systems, human dynamics, ccs21
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    Prof. Christine E. Kasper - USA

    Myonuclear Biology Lab
    Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)
    atrophy, cytoskeleton, microgravity, myopathy, skeletal muscle, social network analysis, systems biology, tungsten alloy

    complex adaptive systems in skeletal muscle and myopathy, traumatic brain injury

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    PhD Dror Y. Kenett - USA

    correlations, econophysics, financial markets, network theory
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    Prof. Janos Kertesz - Hungary

    Center for Network Science
    Central European University (CEU)
    computational social science, processes in complex sysems, structure and dynamics of complex networks

    Understanding the structure and function of comeplex systems by exploring the underlying network structure and the processes taking place on them. Characterizing temporal networks, especially spreading phenomena on them. Analysing and modeling multiplex networks and cascades on them. Revealing the laws of cooperative value production.

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    Prof. Janos Kertesz - Hungary

    Center for Network Science
    Central European University
    computational social science, modeling complex systems, network science
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    Mr Farooq Khan - United Kingdom

    complexity scientist & consultant

    Physical, biological and social systems
    Modelling complex systems
    Mathematical Biology

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    Dr. Song-Ju Kim - Korea, South

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    M. Sergey Kirgizov - France

    PhD student
    Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
    Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    internet topology, ip level, random graphs dynamics
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    Prof. Jan . Klabbers - Netherlands

    Prof. Em., Director KMPC
    design science methodology, game design and assessment, game science, gaming theory, principles of gaming & simulation

    complex self-adaptive systems, social systems development, design science, gaming & simulation, situated learning and cognition, game design and assessment.
    See "The magic circle: Principles of gaming & simulation". SensePublishers: Rotterdam, Third Revised edition 2009.

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    M. Didier Kleitz - France

    Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    external policy, identity, networks, place, political geography, scotland, space
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    Prof. Tim Kohler - USA

    Washington State University
    agent-based models, archaeology, complex systems, complexity sciences, demography, neolithic societies, social networks, socionatural systems
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    Prof. Imre Kondor - Hungary

    Collegium Budapest
    complex systems, quantitative finance, statistical physics, statistical physics of random systems, systemic risk

    Complex systems in general; statistical physics of random systems, in particular spin glasses; quantitative finance, portfolios, estimation error, systemic risk.

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    Prof. Ismo T. Koponen - Finland

    Department of Physics
    University of Helsinki
    complex systems, education, network analysis
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    Dr. Kosmas Kosmidis - Greece

    Physics Department
    Aristotle University Thessaloniki
    complex biological systems, complex networks, numerical analysis, percolation, phase transitions, monte carlo methods

    Modeling Complex systems, understanding phase transitions in natural phenomena.

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    Prof. Dr. Sven Kosub - Germany

    Adjunct Professor
    Theory of Computing, Department of Computer & Information Science
    University of Konstanz
    complexity science, network dynamics, social systems, systems theory

    Theory of Complex Systems_ Network Analysis_ Algorithms and Complexity_ Programming Languages for Social Systems

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    Dimitris Kotzinos - France

    CY Cergy Paris University
    big data, data mining and analysis, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), knowledge management, semantics, social network analysis, social networks, ontologies
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    Dr. Angelina Kouroubali - Greece

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    Mr. Edward Kruger - Romania

    agent-based modeling, ants, ants societies, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex systems, complex systems failure, control, ecosystem, emergence, mathematics, matrices, matrix analysis, memeplexes, memes, multi-agent systems, programming, residual elements, societies as complex systems
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    PhD Emmanuel Labarbe - France

    Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord
    Université Paris 13 – Villetaneuse, Bobigny, Saint-Denis (Paris 13)
    agent-based models, cluster analysis, complexity, data aggregation, mispercieving, networks
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    Jean-Baptiste Labrune - USA

    Research Associate
    MIT Media Laboratory (MIT Medialab)
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    art&sciences, biology, biomechatronics, cognition, creativity, exaptation, games playing, interaction, interfaces, social networks, substrate

    interfaces, epistemology, creativity

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    Dr. David Lacoste - France

    Research fellow
    Gulliver (Gulliver)
    Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle (ESPCI)
    biophysics, non-equilibrium statistical physics, stochastic thermodynamics

    My research activities focus on the applications of non-equilibrium statistical physics to soft___matter and biological systems. I am generally interested in the___field of stochastic thermodynamics, and in particular, in the question of extracting relevant___information from the non-equilibrium fluctuations of complex systems.

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    Dr. François Ladieu - France

    Research fellow
    Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé (SPEC)
    Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
    frustrated systems, glass transition, quantum two level systems, spin glasses, statistical physics
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    Majda Lafhel - Morocco

    movie, network, movie analysis, network similarity
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    Mr Abdelghani Laifa - France

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne - EA 7534
    machine learning, natural language processing, taln, text summarization, applied linguistic
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    Dr. Robin Lamarche-Perrin - France

    Research Fellow
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    artificial intelligence, complex networks, complex systems, computational social sciences, computer science, digital humanities, distributed computation systems, emergence, epistemology, foundations of complexity, graph theory, information theory, media information systems, multi-agent systems, multilevel networks, philosophy of mind, social networks, statistical analysis, h2020 odycceus, dynamic networks, multiscale analysis, anr algodiv, anr geomedia, anr songs, anr song

    I work on scalable methods for the analysis of complex systems. Information theory provides interesting measures for data aggregation, thus allowing to reach macroscopic description levels of complex data. I am interested in the application of such approaches to social systems, and in particular to the study of mass media, social media, and geographical information.

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    Prof. Amaury Lambert - France

    Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires
    Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    ecology, epidemiology, evolution, models, phylogenetics, population biology, probability
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    Leonardo Lana de Carvalho - Brazil

    Phd student

    Complex systems
    Cognitive sciences
    Multi-Agents for modeling Complex Systems
    Dynamical approaches of representation and cognition
    Natural optimisation

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    Prof. Dr. Mathieu Langer - France

    Associate Professor
    Institut d_Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS)
    Université Paris-Sud
    cosmic magnetic fields, instabilities in astrophysical plasmas, large-scale structure of the universe, theoretical cosmology

    Complexity in astrophysics

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    Dr. Régis Lanneau - France

    Associate professor
    Université Paris Nanterre
    artificial intelligence and law, epistemology, Hayek, law and economics, logic and judgment, regulation
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    Valentina Lanza - France

    Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées du Havre (LMAH)
    complex networks, human behavior, neuroscience, nonlinear dynamics, oscillatory networks, bifurcations
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    Dr. Athanasios Lapatinas - Greece

    Assistant professor
    Department of Economics
    University of Ioannina
    complex microeconomics, computational economics, mathematics, post-orthodox political economy, statistics
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    Prof. Felipe Lara-Rosano - Mexico

    Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad
    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
    complex organizations, complex social problems, group processes, interactive planning

    1.To apply in a rigorous way the categories, methods and techniques of the Complex Systems Approach and the last theoretical advances of the Social Sciences to the scientific analysis and solution proposals of social problems, particularly the problems of developing societies.
    2.To develop a methodology to optimal selection and adequate implementation of the Complex Systems Approach to problem definition, theoretical and methodological frame selection and solution process of specific social problems.
    3.To evaluate the applicability and relevance of Complex Systems related theories and methodologies to improve the decision-making process for solving social problems.
    4.To propose research lines to extend the application of these theories and methodologies to new social problems.

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    Dr. Guillaume Latombe - South Africa

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Mathematical Sciences
    Stellenbosch University
    behavioral ecology, biodiversity, conservation, ecology, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), individual-based modeling, landscape ecology, community ecology, invasion ecology, ecological modelling

    I am currently doing a postdoctoral fellowship at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, on the development and application for conservation and invasion management purpose, of spatially explicit measures of biodiversity, especially zeta diversity, a novel measure that unifies the principal incidence-based community and macroecological patterns. Using such measures, I also investigate how biodiversity emerges from dispersal and niche processes in communities and metacommunities. This postdoc is in line with my recently completed postdoctoral fellowship at Monash University, Australia, on the process-pattern relationship in invaded plant communities. During this postdoctorate, I used individual-based models to investigate the interactions between neutral and niche colonisation processes, I developed analyses on indices of biodiversity and their relationship with environmental variables, and I contributed to the development of methods to characterise biological invasions. Prior to this appointment, I completed a six-month postdoctoral fellowship on the statistical downscaling of climate models, and a PhD on the dynamic modelling of caribou, moose and wolf movements, in Canada.

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    Dr. Marco Laumanns - Switzerland

    Research Staff Member
    Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (IFOR)
    IBM Research - Zurich

    Optimization and control in complex networked systems

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    chaos, control, dynamical systems, observers, synchronization

    (nonlinear) Control and Synchronization of complex systems
    Chaotic/hyperchaotic systems
    Chaos cryptography

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    Christophe Lavelle - France

    Genome Structure and Instability
    biophysics, DNA, epigenetics, microbiology, nutrition
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    Dr. William (Bill) F. Lawless - USA

    Paine College

    organizational and system uncertainty, control, decisions, metrics, and mathematical models of the physics of the conservation of information.

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    Dr. John Lazarus - United Kingdom

    Associate (ex Reader)
    Centre for Behaviour and Evolution (CBE, ION)
    Newcastle University
    anti-predator behaviour, evolution of cooperation, human mate choice, human sex ratio

    Evolution of Social Behaviour

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    Prof. Emmanuel Lazega - France

    Centre de Sociologie des Organisations - ORIO
    Sciences Po
    collective intelligence, learning, mobility, multilevel networks, norms, organization, organizations, social networks, dynamic networks, multilayer networks, social mechanisms, apprentissage, mécanismes sociaux, intelligence collective, réseaux sociaux, mobilité, réseaux dynamiques, réseaux multiniveaux

    Multilevel networks _Dynamic networks _Network literacy _Organization _Epistemic networks _Norms _Mobility

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    Emmanuel Lazega - France

    Centre de Sociologie des Organisations
    Sciences Po
    collective behavior, morphogenesis, social dynamics, social network analysis
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    Didier Le Bail - France

    Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT)
    complex networks, social dynamics, social networks, social simulation
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    Dr. Jean Le Fur - France

    Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations (CBGP)
    Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
    analogy, complex systems, fisheries, hierarchy, IBM models, information, models, multi-agent systems, multidisciplinarity, multidisciplinary knowledge, pluridisciplinarity, rodents, scaling, systems theory, transdisciplinarity, typology

    modelling and understanding generic aspects of living systems/ comparative application to several fields (fisheries, small rodents, scientific knowledge) / currently http:/

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    Frédéric Lecat - France

    complex networks, long distance mobility, sociology of science and technology
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    Franck Leclercq - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    science scientific mediation culturel technic logistic
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    seokwoo lee - Korea, South

    census tract map, gis data map, socio-economic network
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    Associate Professor Sune Lehmann - Denmark

    Associate Professor
    DTU Compute
    Technical University of Denmark
    citation networks, complex networks, data mining and analysis, networks, statistics
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    Henri Leridon - France

    Professor emeritus
    Institut national d_études démographiques (INED)
    monte carlo, simulation, reproduction
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    Françoise Lescourret - France

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    Claire Lesieur - France

    Institut rhônalpin des systèmes complexes (IXXI)
    computational biology, invariance, robustness, network features, adaptability, optimized design, natural objects, engineering object
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    Dr. Annick Lesne - France

    laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée (LPTMC / IHES)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    dynamical models, multiscale, network dynamics, regulation, renormalization methods, symbolic sequence analysis
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    Prof. Dr. B Larry Li - USA

    Professor and Director
    Ecological Complexity and Modeling Lab
    University of California, Riverside
    complexity theory, ecological complexity, global change, nonlinear dynamics, modeling human-environment interactions

    Complexity theory, ecological complexity, nonlinear dynamics, modeling human-environment interactions, global change

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    Mrs. Dipl. Math. Jasmin S. Link - Germany

    PhD Student
    University of Hamburg
    behavior, climate change, decision theory, global change, intervention, mathematics, models, multilevel systems, path dependency, security, simulation, social dynamics, social networks, sociology, strategy

    I am interested in predicting the unpredictable. Even though people do not always optimize their decisions relating to their preferences and act accordingly, their behaviour still seems to some degree predictable. One component influencing their behaviour and decision-making processes is path dependency. When performing alike actions that can be observed as a path, it would be inefficient for the brain to run full optimization processes all over again and again. So actions instead get habitualized and institutionalized. But if then a new situation appears like climate change, financial crisis, a flooding, or a new product on the market, people tend to keep up old routines or tend to follow others in their behaviour, because by then it might have proven successful and quicker than computing new routines oneself. Phenomena like e.g. herding, swarming, or increasing risks for cascades may result. Thus, to the degree agents are affected by path dependency, social dynamics can be predicted.

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    Dr. Peter Michael Link - Germany

    Research Group Climate Change and Security
    University of Hamburg
    agent-based models, climate change, complex social systems, economics, geography, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), optimization modeling, security, simulation, societal evolution, sustainability

    Generally, I am interested in the assessment of the impacts of climate change on economic and social systems. In order to address these questions, I work on the development and application of bioeconomic and agent-based simulation and optimization models. Since much of the model input consists of georeferenced data, another fascinating aspect of my work is the coupling between optimization models and geographic information systems. Thus, in my recent research I focused on the modeling of the consequences of changes in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation on the marine high seas fisheries in the North Atlantic and the global and local implications of agricultural land use changes for the production of biofuels. In current work, I look at the implications of changes in water availability in the Nile River basin for the allocation procedures of water resources among the riparian countries. Such models can help local agents pursue action paths that increase the likelihood of cooperative solutions to climate change-induced challenges instead of leading to conflict.

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    None Gabi Lipede - France

    PhD candidate
    Institut Jean Nicod
    Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
    empirical aesthetics, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, evolutionary economics, evolutionary robotics, experimental psychology, future studies, interactive evolutionary computation, marketing science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of perception, soft computing, swarm intelligence, analytic philosophy, metaphysics of trends, orthogenetic evolution, coevolutionary aesthetics, evolutionary aesthetics, costly signaling theory

    My current research endeavors are focused primarily on the projected long-term effects of adaptive intersexual selection mechanisms, expressed in terms of constrained evolvability within and between populations, which I believe to be structurally homologous to the projected evolutionary trends that emerge from the late Collin Martindale_s most recent model of the psychodynamics of creative ideation and aesthetic reception (Martindale, 1990, 2009).

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    Quentin Lobbé - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    complex systems, web archives, digital migrations, dynamics of knowledge, phylomemy, reconstruction methods
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    quentin lobbé - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    complex systems, web archives, dynamics of knowledge, phylomemy, digital migration
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    Maud Loireau - France

    paysage, observatoire, coviabilité, système territorial, désertification, modélisation spatio-temporelle
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    Alice Longhena - France

    brain, complex networks, multiscale
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    Julien Longhi - France

    corpus linguistics, semantics, discours analysis
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    Prof. Pat Longstaff - USA

    communications, public policy, resilience, security

    Interdisiplinary team management

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    Dr. Fernando Lopez Aguilar - Mexico

    Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
    agency, agent-based models, altepetl, anthropology, archaeology, complex systems, fractal analysis, mesoamerica, multiscale, social instability

    I study the social organizacion of Mesoamerica with fractal properties. I use archaeology, anthropology and ethnology with a transdisciplinary look, for modeling the basic unit of social organization, the Altepetl. 
    I am publishing with the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana and the Facultad de Ciencias (UNAM) a book serie called Antropologia Fractal.

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    Dr Oliver López-Corona - Mexico

    Asocieted Researcher
    Centro de ciencias de la complejidad (C3)
    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
    biodiversity, criticality, ecology, evolution, probability, thermodynamics, time series, antifragility, fat-tails, microbiome

    Physicist and PhD in Earth Sciences (no-nonsense applied math). Currently i_m a Cátedras CONACyT research fellow at CONABIO. My work is basically about ecological complexity to understand ecosystem health as a function of State_Integrity_ Dynamics_Criticality_ and response to perturbations_Antifragility

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    Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz - Spain

    Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems
    Universidad de Zaragoza

    chaos, complexity, dynamical systems.

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    Mr Romain Loth - France

    Back-end developper
    data mining and analysis, dataviz, semantics, text mining, gui design, software design
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    Pierre-Yves Louis - France

    probabilistic cellular automata, stochastic processes, stochastic algorithms
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    Dr. Evelyne Lutton - France

    INRAE, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées UMR 518
    agent-based models, artificial evolution, evolutionary and genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation, fractals, genetic programming, interactive evolution, mathematical modeling, stochastic optimisation
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    Dr. Evelyne Lutton - France

    Research Director
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    evolutionary computation, food science, mathematical modeling, visualization, interactive optimisation

    Interactive optimisation, interactive modeling, interactive evolutionary computation, cooperative co-evolution, visualisation, food science, signal and image processing, fractals _ art applications.

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    Anne L_Hôte - France

    research, developer, library
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    Dr. Clemence Magnien - France

    Researcher (CNRS)
    Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6)
    Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    Complex Networks (Internet topology, Social Networks, Interaction networks, ...)
    Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of these networks.
    Study of the dynamics of these networks.

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    None Behrang Mahjani - USA

    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    computational biology, numerical methods in genetics


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    Marion Maisonobe - France

    Géographie Cités
    bibliometrics, flows, geography, maps, science studies, scientific networks, world networks
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    Marion Maisonobe - France

    Géographie Cités
    geography, scientometrics, spatial networks
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    Prof. Danuta Makowiec - Poland

    cellular automata, multiscale, synchronicity

    heart rate regulation, sinoatrial node, cellular automata, heart rate variability

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    Dr. Krzysztof Malarz - Poland

    Adjunct Professor
    Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza (AGH)
    opinion dynamics, population aging and evolution, sociophysics
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    Dr. Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - Colombia

    Universidad del Rosario (UR)
    complex systems, non-classical logics, P- versus NP-problems, philosophy of complexity, philosophy of science

    I work on non-linear systems focusing mainly on non-classical logics. I also work on biological hypercomputation, and non-equuilibrium thermodynamics.

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    PhD Somsakun Maneerat - France

    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    complex systems, dengue, dynamical systems, ecology, environment, epidemic dynamic, epidemiology, human activities, mosquitoes, multi-agent models, networks, simulation, urban area

    I conduct research in the modelling and simulation of Vector-borne disease in urban area. More precisely, I am working on the Dengue dynamics in two sites endemic India and Thailand.

    The topic is concerned with problems in understanding the influence of the different parameters, concerning the environment, mosquito or human, on the epidemic dynamic.

    But here, I am more particularly interested in the studying of mosquitos' behaviours and environment.

    To achieve these objectives, I am interested in Multi agent-based modeling.

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    Prof. Diana Mangalagiu - France

    Professor & Visiting Fellow
    Institute for Science Innovation and Society (InSIS)
    University of Oxford (Oxford)
    collective intelligence, corporate social responsibility, inter-organization, intra-organization, socio-economic dynamics, sustainability

    How complex systems approach and its development/application can articulate with the social experimentation and with the practice of scenarios thinking and planning. How they might be better related/co-evolve in order to help private and public policy makers.

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    Dr. Jean-Francois Mangin - France

    Lab's head
    Institut d'Imagerie Biomédicale (I²BM)
    Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)

    Neuroimaging, Computer Vision, Brain development, Cortical folding process, Brain connectivity, Markov Random Fields

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    Dr. Dimitris Maniadakis - Greece

    ICT Professional
    Technical University of Crete
    communication networks, modeling and simulation, network economics, network planning, network robustness, spatial networks, technological networks, traffic dynamics

    Dr. Maniadakis Dimitris holds a B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has been a Research Associate at the University of Athens, participating in European and national R_D projects. His research interests lie in the fields of ICT infrastrucure complexity and network science. He regularly serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals and conferences. Currently, he works at the Telecommunications, Networking and Computing Infrastructure Directorate of the Technical University of Crete, Greece.

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    Dr. Ricardo Mansilla - Mexico

    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
    DNA evolution, econophysics, networks and epidemics
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    Sara Manzoni - Italy

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    Claudia Marinica - France

    ETIS Lab / LS2N Lab
    data mining and analysis, semantic web, social network analysis
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    Antonio Martella - Italy

    MediaLaB UniPi
    data mining and analysis, social media, populism
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    A/Professor Carmel M. Martin - Ireland

    Clinical Professor
    complexity, health, IT

    Public Health and Primary Care, E-health, Chronic Care. Principal Investigator, National Digital Research Centre (NDRC), Dublin, Ireland - an independent organisation formed by a consortium of Dublin City University (DCU), Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT) and the National College of Art and Design (NCAD).
    Associate Professor of Family Medicine, Northern Ontario School of Medicine

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    Dr. Pascal G. Martin - France

    Permanent Scientist
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    chromatin, transcription, transcriptomic

    transcriptomics, transcription, chromatin, R_Bioconductor, data analysis, nuclear receptors, liver, metabolism, metabolomics, toxicology

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    Sophie Martin - France

    Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes (LISC)
    Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l_environnement et l_agriculture (IRSTEA)
    resilience, risk, viability theory, viable numerical object, biological invasion
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    Prof. Genaro J. Martinez - United Kingdom

    Research fellow
    International Center of Unconventional Computing , Bristol Institute of Technology (ICUC-BIT)
    University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)
    artificial life, cellular automata, complex systems, computer science, robotics, unconventional computing

    Cellular automata, artificial life, collision theory, unconventional computing, natural computing, excitable systems, complex systems, and computer science

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    Rosa Martinez Corral - Spain

    systems biology
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    Valeria Mascolo - France

    chaos, collective behavior, complex systems, dynamical systems, mathematical modeling, mathematics, nonlinear dynamics, phase transitions, self-organization, statistical mechanics, statistical physics, ccs21, disorded
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    Dr. Djibril Mboup - Senegal

    Laboratoire d_analyse numérique et Informatique/ Laboratoire de l_algebre et de la cryptographie
    Université Gaston Berger
    complex networks, data mining and analysis, human mobility
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    Prof. John S. McCaskill - Germany

    Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)
    adaptive engineering, integrated microfluidics, origin of life, systems evolution, technology
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    Prof. Barry McMullin - Ireland

    Associate Prof.
    (DCU Alife Lab)
    agent-based models, artificial life, evolutionary dynamics, societal evolution
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    M. David V. Medernach - France

    artificial life, evolution simulation, heterogenous cellular automata, natural selection, nature, open ended evolution, virtual ecosystems
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    Jil Meier - Netherlands

    ALS Centre, Dutch Connectome Lab
    UMC Utrecht
    brain, complex networks, network dynamics, als
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    Romain MEJEAN - France

    PhD student
    ((UMR 5602 GEODE))
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    agent-based models, environment, geography, social dynamics, social sciences, spatial analysis, spatial simulation, migration
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    Nathalie Méjean Perrot - France

    biological networks, biology, food science, machine learning, model coupling, optimisation, dynamic bayesian network, fuzzy logic, cheese ripening, expertise, dynamic reconstruction, interactive learning, biologicalnnetwork
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    Michael Melich - USA


    evolutionary computing and system design

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    M. Christophe Menant - France

    artificial consciousness, autonomy, biosemiotics, consciousness, emotions, evolution, information, meaning, representations

    - Evolutionary and systemic approaches to meaning and cognition.
    - Evolutionary scenarios regarding the nature of mind and consciousness.
    - Trend to increasing complexity

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    Prof. Dr. José Fernando Mendes - Portugal

    University of Aveiro
    complex networks, complex systems, neuroscience, percolation, statistical physics, synchronization, hybrid phase transition
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    María José Méndez - Spain

    Transect Art Biology Escuela de Doctorado de la UPV
    complex systems, neuroscience, public art and biology
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    Pierre Mercklé - France

    networks, sociology, sciences, sociologylife course, life course
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    Prof. Dr. Stephan Mertens - Germany

    Institute for Theoretical Physics
    Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
    complex systems, graph theory, phase transitions, statistical physics


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    Salma Mesmoudi - France

    Matrice/ Paris 1 university
    optimisation, multilevel integration, data siences
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    Christian Meyer - France

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
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    Prof. Olivier Michel - France

    Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes (IBISC)
    Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne (UEVE)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    morphogenesis, multiscale modeling, programming language

    Modeling, simulation, declarative languages, topological rewriting, morphogenesis.

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    Prof. David F. Midgley - France

    agent-based models of consumers, innovation from a market perpsective, validation of agent-based models
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    Frédéric Migeon - France

    Assistant Professor
    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
    CNRS, University of Toulouse
    multi-agent systems, self-organization, software engineering, reproductibility
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    Ms Christina Mikropoulou - Greece

    University of Macedonia
    agent-based models, behavioral economics, causality, complex networks, complex systems, complexity, complexity science, economics, econophysics, financial markets, macroeconomy, network analysis, nonlinear dynamics, nonlinear econometrics

    Applied Economics and Econometrics_ Nonlinear Time Series Analysis_ Financial Instability_ Behavioral Economics and Finance_ Business Cycles_ Economic Policy Issues_ Complex Networks

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    Béatrice Milard - France

    LISST (UMR 5193)
    science, social network analysis, personnal networks, citations
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    doc. Ing., CSc. Stanislava Mildeova - Czech Republic

    Associate Professor
    University of Economics, Prague;lang=en

    Complex Systems Modeling, System Dynamics and Simulation, Decision Support Systems, Informatics and Models Supporting the Sustainable Development

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    Dr. Yann Moalic - France

    Assistant Professor
    Laboratoire de Microbiologie des environnements extrêmes
    Université de Bretagne Occidentale
    bioinformatics, microbial ecology, networks analysis, population genetics, archaeal genetics, genetic adaptation

    System biology

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    PhD Samira Mobaied - France

    Associate Professor
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    Chiara Mocenni - Italy

    Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena
    cooperation, epidemic, game theory
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    Baptiste MOKAS - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    cognitive science, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, complex systems, evolution, graph theory, multiscale, neurodynamics, philosophy of mind, psychology, non linear dynamics, geometry of information, emotion, datascience
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    Osnat Mokryn - Israel

    Informatics, mathematics and applications (IMAG)
    cognitive science, data mining and analysis, network dynamics, text mining, temporal networks
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    Dr. Hervé Monod - France

    Research fellow, head of dept
    INRA, Dept Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées (MIA)
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    agroecology, computer experiments, design of experiments, sensitivity analysis, space-time modeling, statistics
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    Maël Montévil - France

    Chargé de recherche
    Centre Cavaillès / UAR 3608 république des savoirs / Philosophy
    agent-based models, aging, biophysics, developmental biology, environment, epistemology, evolution, innovation, morphogenesis, multiscale, philosophy, self-organization, theoretical biology, biological organization
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    Dr. Andrés Moreira - Chile

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    Dr. Wilfrido A. Moreno - USA

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    Prof. Yamir Moreno - Spain

    Research Professor
    Universidad de Zaragoza
    complex systems and networks, epidemiology, evolutionary dynamics, mathematical biology, statistical mechanics, synchronization processes, systems biology

    complex systems and networks, epidemiology, mathematical biology, systems biology, evolutionary dynamics, statistical mechanics, synchronization processes

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    Matteo Morini - Switzerland
    agent-based models, complex networks, complex systems
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    Dr. Gildas Morvan - France

    Assistant professor
    Laboratoire de Génie Informatique et Automatique de l'Artois
    agent-based models, formal models, multi-agent systems, multilevel models, multiscale models, simultation
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    Prof. Jean-Pierre Muller - France

    Senior scientist
    Gestion des Ressources Renouvelables et Environnement (GREEN)
    Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)
    computer modeling, eco-sociosystem, knowledge representation, multi-agent systems, ontology, social networks, sustainability

    Aïkido Spirituality

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    Dr. Jean-Pierre Nadal - France

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    cognitive science, complex systems, computational social science, neuroscience, statistical physics
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    Siddharth Nair - Australia

    PhD student, SIAL (RMIT)
    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology &

    Living Systems Sciences & Applications; Collective Intelligence & Futures' Studies; Design Research & Advanced Visualization

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    Dr. Elena Irina Neaga - United Kingdom

    Senior Lecturer
    University of Wales Trinity St David
    complex systems in collaborative logistics, dataviz, information models and data mining, information security, knowledge analytics, resilience, risk, system model, system models, systems (meta)modeling, systems modeling, systems models, web infrastructure protection

    Undertaking in-depth research on advanced computational systems to support a wide range of complex applications enabled _ enhanced through networking in industry and defence sectors using systems metamodelling based on knowledge analytics, and semantics as well as web infrastructure protection, information security, risk, resilience and harmonisation of the legislation for the advancement of ICT. This is leading to practical solutions enabling innovation and competitiveness of industrial companies as well as scientific publications such as journal papers, book chapters and conference contributions.

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    Dr. Camilo Neto - Brazil

    University of São Paulo (USP)
    fluid dynamics, fractal, multi-agent models, multifractal, pattern formation, wavelets
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    Prof. Muaz A. Niazi - Pakistan

    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering (COSMOSE)
    COMSATS Institute of IT, Pakistan
    agent-based modeling, agent-based models, bioinformatics, biological networks, cacoons, complex adaptive communication networks and environments, complex adaptive networks, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, computational biology, consanguinity, descriptive agent-based modeling, exploratory agent-based modeling, formal methods, HIV spread models, internet of things, modeling, modeling and simulation, models, multi-agent, multi-agent systems, network analysis, networks, pervasive computing, simulation, social simulation, validation, validation of agent-based models, verification, vomas, wireless sensor networks
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    Loïc Norgeot - France

    high performance computing, scientific visualization, 3d modelization
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    Dr. Jeremi K. Ochab - Poland

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    Dr. Eckehard Olbrich - Germany

    Complex Systems Group
    Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI-MIS)
    complex networks, complexity measures, computational social science, game theory, information theory, opinion dynamics, sleep eeg, time series analysis
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    M. Olle Olsson - Sweden

    Sr Researcher

    robustness in scale-free networks

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    Olle Olsson - Sweden

    complex adaptive systems (CAS), epistemology, self-organization
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    Olle Olsson - Sweden

    complex adaptive systems (CAS), complexity science, epistemology
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    Dr. Lulla Opatowski - France

    Assistant professor
    Unité de Pharmacoépidémiologie et Maladie Infectieuses
    Université de Versailles Saint Quentin
    agent-based models, biomathematics, biostatistics, epidemiology, mathematical modeling, mathematics, statistics
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    Dr. Richard Ottermanns - Germany

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    Prof. Dr. Fatima Oulebsir Boumghar - France

    brain, medical imaging, dmri, parallel processing
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    Barry O_Reilly - Sweden

    software, software architecture, antifragility, residuality, hyperliminality
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    Dr. Vijayanarasimha H. Pakka - United Kingdom

    Senior Lecturer
    Faculty of Technology, School of Engineering & Sustainable Development
    De Montfort University (DMU)
    agent-based models, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, computational biology, electrical power systems, electricity markets, gene regulatory networks, linear noise approximation, mathematical and computational models, mathematics, multi-agent systems, stochastic processes
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    Dr. Adrian Palacios - Chile

    Neuroscience Network
    Universidad de Valparaiso (UV)
    complex networks, computational biology, sensory system

    Sensory Biology, Cognitive Sciences, Robotic, Enaction

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    Dr. Filippo Palombi - Italy

    Research Scientist
    Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l_energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA)
    agent-based models, game theory, social dynamics, voter models
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    Dr. Milan Palus - Czech Republic

    senior researcher
    Institute of Computer Science ASCR
    causality, chaos, complex networks, geophysics, information theory, neurodynamics, nonlinear dynamics, synchronization

    nonlinear dynamics, chaos
    synchronization, complex networks, causality, information theory, neurodynamics, geophysics

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    Maziyar Panahi - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    big data, Gephi, twitter
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    Dr. Jerome Pansanel - France

    cloud computing, grid computing, software development
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    PhD Daniela Paolotti - Italy

    Research fellow
    Computational and Digital Epidemiology Laboratory
    Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation (ISI Foundation)
    digital epidemiology, web-based surveillance, dataforgood

    My research currently focuses on the use of technology and social media to develop the so called participatory epidemiology, a new branch of epidemiology based on the contribution of the general population to collect epidemiological data on a large scale and in real time. I am also working on the study of human contacts and mobility networks.

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    Dr. Fragkiskos Papadopoulos - Cyprus

    Assistant Professor
    Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics
    big data, complex networks, network dynamics, network geometry, network theory, statistical inference, network navigation
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    Dr. Michał B. Paradowski - Poland

    Assistant Professor
    Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILS UW)
    University of Warsaw (UW)
    agent-based systems, complex networks, complex systems, complexity science, computational linguistics, language innovation, language learning, linguistic innovation, models, neologisms, nonlinear adaptive systems, scale-free networks, second language acquisition, self-organization, simulation and visualization of language and social phenomena, social diffusion, social networks
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    Dr. Grace Pardo - Peru

    Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinar Ciencia y Sociedad
    Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades
    computational neuroscience, neurobiology, neuroscience, computacional social psychology, developmental psychobiology, behavioral neuroscience

    Developmental Psychobiology, Behavioral neuroscience, Neurobiology, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Social Psychology.

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    Dr. Marc Parenthoën - France

    Associate Prof.
    Lab-Sticc (Lab-sticc)
    Université Européenne de Bretagne (UEB)
    autonomy, biology, education, electromagnetism, enaction, epistemology, geophysics, ocean, oceanography, virtual reality

    At the European Center for Virtual Reality (CERV, Brest), we aim at building the virtuoscope : a virtual lab for studying models for complex systems. I aim to develop enactic : a methodology for building the virtuoscope that uses enaction paradigm at the level of models involved in the phenomenological knowledge of a particular domain. I've applied it to remote observation of sea states, Earth's thermal history and virtual sailing. It seems that the way by wich we creates autonomy based phenomenological models for natural phenomena also produces simulations that are of great interest for teaching.

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    Dr Pierre Parrend - France

    Senior Lecturer
    ICube/Complex System and Translational Biology
    ECAM Strasbourg-Europe
    evolutionary computation, immunity, security, ecam strasbourg-europe, université de strasbourg
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    Ebrahim Patel - United Kingdom

    cellular automata, complex systems, dynamical systems, network dynamics
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    Joram Patiño - Mexico

    complex networks, complex systems, complexity science, design questions, machine learning, mathematics, neural networks, neuroscience
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    Dr. Mario Pavone - Italy

    Assistant professor
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    Dr. Diane Payne - Ireland

    Senior Lecturer
    decision simulation, social network analysis
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    Dr. Francisco Pedroche - Spain

    Universitat Politècnica de València
    iterative methods, mathematics, matrix analysis, pagerank, ranking, social networks
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    Dr. Farideddin Peiravian - USA

    Research fellow
    environment, resilience, sustainability, transportation
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    Andrea Perna - United Kingdom

    Centre for Research in Ecology Evolution and Behaviour, University of Roehampton
    collective behavior, ecology, morphogenesis, social insects, spatial networks
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    PhD Julien Perret - France

    (LaSTIG / COGIT)
    Institut National de l_Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN)
    agent-based simulation, agent-based social simulation, complex systems, control, data mining and analysis, emergence, global local, mobility, morphogenesis, multi-agent, multi-agent models, multi-agent systems, networks, self organisation, simulation, space time modeling, spatial, spatial networks, transport systems, urban dynamics, urban modeling, urban simulation
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    Rémi Perrier - France

    PhD Student
    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
    CY Cergy Paris Université
    complex networks, computational physics, opinion dynamics, phase transitions, social systems, statistical physics, cultural dynamics
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    Dr. Dimitri Perrin - Australia

    Center for Scientific Computing (SCI-SYM)
    Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
    Dublin City University (DCU)
    agent-based models, biomedical systems, chronobiology, circadian rhythms, crisis response, data mining and analysis, epidemics, epigenetics, game theory, imaging, immunology, networks, omics, operations research, optimisation, parallel computing, social systems, systems biology
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    PhD Olivier Perriquet - France

    Artist and researcher
    Le Fresnoy-National studio of contemporary arts
    algorithmics, biology, experimental cinema, visual art, science _ art relations
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    Dr. sandro Perrone - Italy

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
    complex systems, extreme events, laser, noisy phenomena, resonance, stochastic methods
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    Dr. Giovanni Petri - Italy

    Principal Researcher
    Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation (ISI Foundation)
    complex networks, geometry, topology
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    Prof. Laurent Philippe - France


    Parallelisation and Distribution of multi-agent systems

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    Jinelle Piereder - Canada

    PhD Candidate
    Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation
    University of Waterloo
    climate change, cognitive science, complex adaptive systems (CAS), complex networks, complexity theory, conflict, environment, multiscale, network theory, policy, political science, psychology, social network analysis, social sciences, social systems, global governance
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    Arsène Pierrot-Valroff - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    ethics, mathematics, risk, global catastrophes, longterm future, existential risk, human extinction
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    Prof. Leonid M. Pismen - Israel

    Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
    nonlinear, pattern
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    Dr. Sébastien Plutniak - France

    École française de Rome
    social network analysis, social networks, social sciences, sociology
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    M. Thierry Poibeau - France

    Research fellow
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    computational linguistics, information extraction, modélisation socio-cognitive, semantics, text analysis, text annotation, text mining

    I am a CNRS research fellow, working at LaTTiCe (Langues, Textes, Traitements informatiques et Cognition). I mainly work on Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially on the following topics: Information Extraction, Question Answering, Semantic Zoning, Knowledge Acquisition from text and Named Entity tagging. Apart from NLP, my main interests include Language Acquisition, Cognitive Science, Epistemology and the History of Linguistics.

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    Chiara Poletto - France

    agent-based models, complex networks, epidemiology
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    Prof. Jerome Pousin - France

    Institut Camille Jourdan (ICJ)
    Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)

    Numerical methods; Finite element; EDP

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    Prof. Denis Poussart - Canada

    Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique (GEL)
    Université de Laval (ULaval)

    Graphic Design, Astronomy, Photography

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    Prof. Gregory M. Provan - Ireland

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    Dr. Salvador Pueyo - Spain

    Research fellow
    climate, criticality, ecological economics, ecology, econophysics, entropy, power-law, sustainability
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    Dr. Elena G. Pugacheva - Ukraine

    Associate Professor
    Kiev Economic Institute of Management
    complexity, forecasting, interdisciplinary education, interdisciplinary research, simulation, socio-economic self-organization

    The main directions of activity are:
    1.Scientific researches in the fields of economics, sociology, education . http:/ http:/ http:/ (in Russian)
    2.Education and training http:/ (in Russian)
    3.Popularization of the ideas of the theory of complexity among managers, policy-makers and general public http:/
    4.http:/ http:/ (in Russian)
    The main problems under consideration:
    •Social self-organization and social self-destruction
    •Social barriers to self-organization processes
    •Self-organization of reality via self-organization of virtual reality
    •Path-dependent economic evolution
    •Long-term and short-term social constructions
    •The processes of socio-economic self-organization in Russia and Ukraine.

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    Dr. Elena Pugacheva - Украина

    Associate Professor
    National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Dept. Sociology
    complexity, social networks, agent-based modelling

    Popularisation of the ideas of comlexity

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    Prof. Denise Pumain - France

    Géographie Cités
    Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    complex systems dynamics, simulation models, urban geography

    I am Director of Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography ( Former Chair of the Commission on Urban Development and Urban Life of the International Geographical Union (1992-2000), founder (1984) and Director (1992-2000) of the research laboratory P.A.R.I.S. (UMR Géographie-cités, CNRS), I am since 2006 director of the European Research Group S4 (Spatial Simulation for Social Sciences,, honorary director since 2011. This network is one of the projects of ISC-PIF. I am specialised in urban modelling and theoretical geography. My main scientific contribution is about building an evolutionary theory of urban systems and transferring concepts and models from self-organising complex systems towards social sciences. My last books "Hierarchy in natural and social sciences" and "Complexity perspectives in innovation and social change" are published by Springer in 2006 and 2009 in the Methodos Series.

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    Denise Pumain - France

    UMR Géographie-cités
    cities, geography, modeling for social sciences
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    John Quackenbush - USA

    bioinformatics, biological networks, biology, complex systems, computational biology, systems biology
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    Prof. Jorge L. Quiroz Gonzalez - Peru

    Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Complex systems (modelling and simulation).

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    Juste Raimbault - France

    Chargé de recherche
    LASTIG, Univ Gustave Eiffel, IGN-ENSG
    Institut Géographique National
    agent-based modeling, complex networks, openmole, scientometrics, sensitivity analysis, simulation, urban networks, urban systems, theoretical and quantitative geography, land-use transport interactions, systems of cities, model validation
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    Gabriel Ramos-Fernandez - Mexico

    Instituto Politecnico Nacional
    animal behavior, information theory, social cognition, social complexity, social networks, foraging
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    Dr. Julien Randon-Furling - France

    Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire (EA 4543)
    Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1)
    complex networks, econophysics, mathematical modeling, multi-agent models, sociophysics, statistical physics
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    Dr. Alain Rapaport - France

    Mathématiques, Informatique et STatistique pour l'Environnement et l'Agronomie (Mistéa)
    SupAgro Montpellier
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    automatic control, dynamical systems, microbial ecology, modeling of natural renewable resources, optimal control

    Modelling and simulation of microbial ecosystems, up to decision support tool based on optimization and control theoretic approaches.

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    Distinguished Prof. Dwight Read - USA

    University of California (UCal)
    agent-based models, collective behavior, complexity theory, mathematics, social dynamics, social networks

    Human complex systems

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    Dr. Wolfgang Renz - Germany

    multi-agent systems, stochastic differential equations

    agent based simulations, supply networks, transport processes, self organization, emergence

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    Francisco Reyes-Mora - México

    Center of Complex Sciences C3, UNAM
    cancer, development, systems biology
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    Dr. Haroldo V. Ribeiro - Brazil

    Associate Professor
    Department of Physics
    Universidade Estadual de Maringa
    diffusion processes, social systems, statistical physics, time series analysis
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    Dr. Marcelo B. Ribeiro - Brazil

    Associate Professor
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
    econophysics, fractals

    macroeconomic dynamics

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    Bernard Ricca - USA

    complex networks, complex systems, education
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    Eric Rigaud - France

    centre de recherche sur les risques et les crises (CRC)
    complexity, resilience, sma
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    Simon Righi - Italy

    Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - University of Bologna
    evolution of cooperation, social networks, social simulation
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    Prof. Walter Riofrio - Peru

    Associate Professor
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    University Ricardo Palma, Lima-Peru
    bio-inspired computing, biological networks, emergence and evolution of cellular design, emergence of basic properties in living systems, molecular networks, semantics and origin of cognition

    Theoretical and Conceptual Analysis on Natural Sciences; Emergence of basic properties in Living Systems; Nature of Biological Evolution; Interrelate Biological Functions, Biological Information and Network of Molecular Processes; Architecture of the Brain and Emergence of Cognition in Evolution.

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    Ms. Mylène Rivière - Belgium

    Liège University
    ecosystem, engineering, environment, environmental assessment, models, process, social sciences, participation, delphi method
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    Dr. Stéphane Robin - France

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
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    Dr. François Robin - France

    Developmental Biology Lab/Robin/IBPS
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    c. elegans, cell biology, cytoskeleton, development, developmental biology, morphogenesis, actin, myosin, actomyosin, ciona
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    Dr. Juan C. Rocha - Sweden

    Stockholm Resilience Centre
    Stockholm University
    critical transitions, networks, resilience, social-ecological systems, tipping points

    Juan C. Rocha is a postdoctoral researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Beijer Institute, as well as a visiting scholar at the Princeton Environmental Institute and the MIT Media Lab. His research questions are oriented to understanding critical transitions: from regime shifts in ecological systems, to collective action in society. Currently he is focusing on the idea of cascading effects, this is how a critical transition in an ecosystem in the world can increase or decrease the likelihood of another ecosystem tipping over. He develops mathematical models to explore the parameter space at which these interconnections are plausible. He is also looking for empirical signatures of cascading effects on trade networks and rainfall transport dynamics. Juan is interested in methods for identifying resilience surrogates -good observables that can tell you how resilient a system is- as well as misperception of feedbacks and their consequences. He finds inspiration in complex systems science, and the use of mathematical models, networks and other computational methods to understand social and ecological complexity.

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    Dr. Carlos A. Rodriguez-Gutierrez - Venezuela

    complex organizations, inter-organizational relations, management of the cooperation, modeling of virtual organizations, virtual organizations

    Social networking, Web 2.0 applications, innovation networking, virtual Infrastructure modeling, endogenous development

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    Sacha Roger - France

    data mining and analysis, dataviz, knowledge engineering, reinforcement learning, self-adaptive systems, semantic web, social network analysis, cyber physical systems, enterprise architecture, requirement engineering, free software, executive management, data architecture
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    Dr. Andrea Roli - Italy

    Assistant professor
    Dept. of Engineering and Computer Science
    Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
    criticality, genetic regulatory networks, nature-inspired computing, robotics
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    Orso Maria Romano - France

    Laboratoire Ecologie-Evolution
    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm (ENS Ulm)
    complex networks, epigenetics, mathematical modeling, physics, sociality, systems biology
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    M. Marti Rosas-Casals - Spain

    Associate Professor
    Sustainability Measurement and Modeling Lab (SUMMLAB)
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
    ecological, infrastructures, networks, social, sustainability, systems
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    Giulio Rossetti - Italy

    Italian National Research Council
    network dynamics, opinion dynamics, social networks, community discovery
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    Thibaut Roubin - France

    Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes (LISC)
    agent-based models, complex systems, systèmes complexes
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    Dr. Jean-Baptiste Rouquier - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon)
    asynchronism, cellular automata, communities, dynamics, networks, perturbation, robustness, structure

    common tools and methods for large networks arising in various complex systems fields

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    Prof. Céline Rozenblat - Switzerland

    Institute of geography and sustainability
    University of Lausanne
    geography, networks analysis and visualization, regional sciences, urban systems

    Céline Rozenblat researches are widely directed on the relations between evolutions of powers and values and networks dynamics into systems of territories. In order to develop these topics in a comparative point of view, she built many large database on European cities and on networks since 1987. In particular, the question of comparizon was extremely delicate for European cities and she produced with Pumain and St-Julien, Cattan "the concept of cities in Europe" for Eurostat (1991). She built since 1990 representative database on located multinational firms networks leading her to deal with territorial dynamics and actors' strategies in the same time. This duality obliged her to rethink multi-level approaches in geography, largely inspired by sociology of networks and physics. Diachronical and dynamic studies supply materials to develop spatial and dynamic models, simulations and vizualisations.

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    Prof. Dr. Marta Rukoz - France

    LAMSADE -University Paris Dauphine
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    biological networks, community detection, gene-gene interaction networks
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    Prof. George Rzevski - United Kingdom

    Professor Emeritus
    Complex Systems Laboratory
    Open University (OU)
    commercial complex adaptive systems, real-time pattern discovery, real-time scheduling, semantic processing

    Investigating Artificial Intelligence as emergent property of complex systems. Designing adaptive business processes. Designing complex adaptive software.

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    Prof. Marco Sabatini - Italy

    Dipartimento di Matematica
    Università di Trento
    bifurcation theory, control theory, differential equations, hilbert 16th problem, limit cycles, stability theory, centers_ period function, polynomial differential systems, global univalence problems, qualitative analysis

    I am mainly interested in the qualitative analysis of differential systems. In particular, I have written papers about: -) existence and multiplicity of limit cycles -) centers_ period function -) global invertibility of locally invertible maps -) symmetries of differential systems.

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    Asad Sabbah - Canada

    brain, complex adaptive systems (CAS), machine learning, social network analysis, econometrics, info-metrics
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    Prof. Abd-El-Kader A. Sahraoui - France


    complex system engineering

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    Sina Sajjadi - Austria

    Central European University Complexity Science Hub
    networks, inequality, bias, spreading
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    Dr. Rodrigo Salas - Chile

    Departamento de Ingenieria Biomedica
    Universidad de Valparaiso (UV)
    artificial neural networks, data mining and analysis, image and signal processing, machine learning, medical informatics, neuroimaging, pattern recognition

    I am interested in the development of new computational models, inspired in the cognitive behavior, with the purpose of improving engineering tasks

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    Mr Nicolas Salerno - France

    complex systems, sociophysics, cliodynamics
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    Mathilde Saliou - France

    Freelance journalist
    media, new media, journalism, datajournalism, new technologies, investigative journalism
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    Gwenaël Samain - France

    data, development, mathematics
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    Briane Paul Samson - Philippines

    Center for Complexity and Emerging Technologies
    agent-based models, complex networks, network dynamics, opinion dynamics, social networks, traffic, transport
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    Prof. Maxi San Miguel - Spain

    Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC)
    Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB)
    complex networks, infromation technologies, nonlinear physics, social dynamics, statistical physics

    1.2 Physical Science Statistical and Nonlinear Physics 2.2 Electrical Engineering Photonics 5.2 Economics Game theory and agent modelling 5.4 Sociology Dynamics of Social sytems, opinion formation, agent modelling
    Complex networks
    Sociotechnical systems

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    Angel Sánchez - Spain

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    evolutionary dynamics, game theory, networks, statistical mechanics, social physics

    Applications of complex systems and evolutionary dynamics in biological and socioeconomical contexts

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    Eric Sanchis - France

    Associate Professor in Computer Science
    Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
    autonomy, complex systems, mobile agent, software agent, systemions, free will

    Distributed systems, multi-agent systems, Systemics, complex systems, cognitive systems

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    T. Irene Sanders - USA

    Executive Director
    Washington Center for Complexity and Public Policy (WCCPP)
    complex systems research, foresight, futures research, intelligence analysis, public policy, strategic planning, strategic thinking, visual thinking
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    Dr. Marc Santolini - France

    Research Fellow
    Interaction Data Lab, LPI
    Université Paris Cité, INSERM, U1284
    biological networks, complex networks, computational social science, data mining and analysis, dataviz, epistemology, machine learning, network analysis, network dynamics, network science, open science, science of science, scientometrics, social network analysis, social networks, social systems, citizen science, data science, team science, network medicine, sdgs, bipartite networks
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    Juan Luis Santos - Spain

    Research fellow
    Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social
    Universidad de Alcalá (UAH)
    agent-based models, forecasting, market design, spatial patterns
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    Prof. Ricardo Sanz - Spain

    UPM Autonomous Systems Labortory

    Complex, large-scale, distributed, intelligent control systems.

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    Dr. David Sarramia - France

    Assistant Professor
    Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand (LPC)
    Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand (BPClermont)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

    complex system, simulation, multiagents, multi scale, multi modelling, celullar automata, interaction, behaviour, 3D, interactive simulation

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    Mr Josue Sauri - México

    Autonomous University of Mexico City
    complex networks, multiplex networks, network analysis, social network analysis, muktilayer networks, human rights, children rights
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    Dr. Hiroki Sayama - USA

    Center for Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems (CoCo)
    Binghamton University, State University of New York
    agent-based models, artificial chemistry, artificial evolutionary systems, artificial life, cellular automata, collective behavior of swarms, collective human decision making, complex dynamic systems, generative network automata, human and social dynamics, interactive educational tools, interactive evolutionary computation, interactive media art, interactive systems, irrational behavior, mental model formation, modeling and simulation, morphogenetic engineering, nature-inspired computing, network analysis, open-ended evolution, pattern formation, self-repair, self-replication, social network evolution, state-topology coevolution in adaptive networks, team and organizational dynamics, multilayer networks, graph product multilayer networks

    Complex Dynamical Networks: State-topology coevolution in adaptive networks, generative network automata, social network evolution, network analysis, modeling and simulation___Artificial Life_Chemistry: Collective behavior of swarms, self-replication, self-repair, morphogenetic engineering, cellular automata, pattern formation, artificial evolutionary systems, open-ended evolution, nature-inspired computing___Human and Social Dynamics: Collective human decision making, team and organizational dynamics, mental model formation, irrational behavior, agent-based modeling and simulation___Interactive Systems: Interactive evolutionary computation, interactive educational tools, interactive media art

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    Prof. Daniel Schertzer - France

    Laboratoire Eau Environnement Systèmes Urbains (CEREVE)
    Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)
    multifractals, nonlinear models, predictability, turbulence

    Nonlinear Processes and Systems in Geophyssics and Environment, Scaling, Multifractals, Turbulence.

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    Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Schierwagen - Germany

    Senior Scientist, Prof.
    Computer Science Institute
    University of Leipzig
    biology, cognition, complex systems, life, models, philosophy, simulation and theory

    Objects : abstract systems, biological,cognitive, social systems
    Questions: complexity concepts, decomposability, reverse engineering, explanation, ontology and epistemology

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    Thomas Schiex - France

    Permanent Scientist
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)

    Modeling and analyzing complex discrete systems (SAT, CSP, NP-complete and above problems).

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    clémentine schilte - France

    Centre de recherche translationnelle
    communication, immunology, medicine, translational science
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    Anne-Françoise Schmid - France

    associate professor

    philosophy - epistemology - ethics

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    M. Thomas Schmitt - France

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    Dr. Marc Schoenauer - France

    Principle Senior Researcher
    Project-Team TAO (INRIA Saclay)
    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA)
    evolutionary computation, machine learning
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    Dr. Michael L. Schoon - USA

    Assistant Director
    Biosocial Complexity Initiative
    Arizona State University
    complex adaptive systems (CAS), institutions, resilience, transboundary conservation
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    Prof. Peter Schuster - Austria

    University of Verona
    biological modeling, chemical kinetics of in vitro evolution, complexity in molecular systems, genotype-phenotype mappings, RNA, RNA bioinformatics, theory of evolution

    Modeling molecular evolution provides the key to a bottom up approach towards complexity in evolution. The tools used to achieve a better understanding of evolutionary processes are: differential equations, stochastic processes, computer simulation, and sequence-structure relation of biopolymers, in particular RNA

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    Prof. Frank Schweitzer - Switzerland

    Chair of Systems Design
    ETH Zurich
    agent-based models, big data, collective dynamics, complex networks, computational social science, mechanism design, system design

    collective dynamics in biological, social and economic systems, selforganization and structure formation, multi-agent systems, dynamics of organizations, transfer of methods from statistical physics to the life and social sciences

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    M. Dominique Sciamma - France

    Managing Director _ Dean
    Strate School of Design
    Strate School of Design
    agent-based modeling, artificial intelligence, interaction design, living objects design, robotics, social design

    Emergence, stigmergia, artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life. Managing Direftor Board of Strate School ofg Design, a private school devoted to design, I created the Research lab of the school in 2010. I also created the _Interactive systems and objects_, a department devoted top intelligent systems and objects design in 2007.

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    dfsd sdfsd - Australia

    sdfs, sdf, esf
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    hamida Seba - France

    graphs, networks, compression
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    Dr. Jose Segovia Martin - Spain

    Postdoc researcher
    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    agent-based modeling, agent-based models, behavioral economics, cognitive science, collective behavior, complex systems, cultural evolution, mathematical modeling, network science, network theory, social dynamics, social simulation

    I am interested in the relationship between cognition and society. I work in the domains of cultural evolution, collective behavior, social learning and communication. In particular, I investigate how the interaction between individuals_ cognition and social structures affects the emergence of collective patterns of behavior. Some of my current projects involve social network connectivity effects on the dissemination of cultural variants, cognitive biases influences on the emergence of cultural conventions, research on the underlying mechanisms of cultural change and cultural diversity, the co-evolution of institutions and value systems, and the evolution of language. My research uses both computer modelling and experiments in the lab. I am currently a CNRS postdoc researcher at Complex Systems Institute (ISCPIF). Previously, I completed my PhD in Cognitive Science and Language at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. During my PhD I obtained relevant training in cultural evolutionary methods: a significant part of my research was developed during researchs visits to the Centre for Language Evolution (University of Edinburgh) and the Laland Lab (University of St. Andrews).

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    Sanja Selakovic - Netherlands

    Utrecht University
    biological networks, dynamical systems, ecology, epidemiology, mathematical modeling, spatial networks
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    Ababacar Sembene - France

    artificial intelligence, mathematical modeling, transport
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    Ferdinando Semboloni - Italy
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    Seyda Serdar Asan - Turkey

    research assistant

    supply chain complexity

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    Dr. Joan Serras - United Kingdom

    Research fellow
    Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
    University College London (UCL)
    agent-based models, emergent dynamics, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), global dynamics, multilevel representation, network theory, traffic flow theory, transport models, urban planning, very large transportation systems, discrete choice modelling
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    M. Maziyar Shariat Panahi - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    auto-scalable networks, big data, big data analytics, cloud architecture, cloud computing, databases, mobile applications, NoSQL, real-time processing, real-time visualization, social networks, twitter analytics

    My special interests are auto-scalable, highly-available, and real-time Web and mobile applications by using bleeding-edge technologies such as Node.js,, Express.js, Redis, and MongoDB. I am also working on real-time processing in Big Data by using Apache Shark and Impala along with batch processing by using Apache Hive on Amazon EMR Hadoop clusters and Cloudera Manager. Machine learning, building recommender engines by using Apache Mahout, and visualizing Big Data in realtime streaming from social networks especially Twitter on geo-location maps are my other interests.

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    Dr. David Sheeren - France

    Assistant Professor
    Dynamiques et écologie des paysages agroforestiers (DYNAFOR)
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse (ENSAT)
    agent-based models, landscape dynamics, maps, socio-ecological system
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    Bahareh Shidrang - Iran

    physics, statistical physics, solid state physics
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    Prof. Patrick Siarry - France

    Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents (LiSSi)
    Universite de Paris Est Créteil (UPEC)
    metaheuristics, optimization


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    Dr. Milena-Jael Silva-Morales - France

    Urban Data Scientiste
    Ecolonical Lab
    Ecolonical Lab
    public sector, sustainability, urban systems, utilities, urban data science, smart city, urban planing, smart territory, general interest

    Research interests: co-creating inclusive and interoperable smart urban service systems meeting citizens_ needs. Particularly interested in different life cycle stages of urban planning and urban data projects: ideation, prototyping, creation of data structure, heterogeneous data acquisition, data cleaning, data analysis, modeling, data visualization, and deployment.

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    Dr. Clément Sire - France

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
    Université Toulouse 3 – Sabatier
    collective motion, game theory, out of equilibrium systems, statistical physics, theory of competition
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    Hokky Situngkir - Indonesia

    Bandung Fe Institute
    complexity, Indonesia, social sciences

    Postmodern Sociology, Cultural Studies, Artificial Society, Dynamical Psychology, Social Theory, Agent-Based Programming, Philosophy of Science,Computational Finance.

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    M. Grzegorz Siudem - Poland

    Institute of Physics (IF)
    Warsaw University of Technology (PW)
    cellular automata, combinatorics, complex networks, deterministic chaos, dynamical systems, phase transitions, statistical physics
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    Prof. Jan A. Sladkowski - Poland

    A. Chelkowski Institute of Physics (IF)
    Silesia University
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    Prof. Dr. Peter M. Sloot - Netherlands

    Research Professor
    Computational Science (SCS)
    University of Amsterdam (UVA)
    cellular automata, complex networks, entropy, infectious diseases, information science, multiscale models, simulation

    Biocomplexity, Complex Networks, Cellular Automata, Information Theory

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    Charline Smadi - France

    dynamical systems, ecology, evolution, probability, stochastic processes
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    henry soldano - France

    complex networks, data mining and analysis, attributed, enriched
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    Sorin Solomon - Israel


    Physics and econophysics, Common Complex Collective Phenomena in Statistical Mechanics, Society, Economics, and Biology.

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    Dr. Jean-Christophe Soulie - France

    Persyst Dept
    Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)
    ecology, economics, multi-agent models, optimization, simulation

    Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Natural Ressources Modelling, Bio-economic Modelling, Simulation, Multi-agents Systems, Dynamic Systems

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    Ibnou Soumare - Senegal

    Institut Louis Bachelier/PSE
    complex systems, game theory, monetary system

    Fields of interests _- Economics, Finance _- Mathematics, Physics _- Psychology, Sociology _- Philosophy, Epistemology _Specific interests _- monetary system, markets equilibrium, economic rationality, economy of information, economic thought history _- Probabilities theory, game theory, fractals, complex systems_

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    Dr. Catalina Spataru - United Kingdom

    Lecturer_Course Director
    Energy Institute
    University College London (UCL)
    blackouts, energy networks, whole energy system, resource nexus

    complexity of sub-systems in the whole energy system_ prevention of cascading failures and blackouts_ future cities_ market coupling_ resource nexus

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    Dr. Tiziano Squartini - Italy

    Assistant Professor
    NETWORKS unit
    IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
    complex networks, economic complexity, econophysics, graph theory, networks, neural networks, statistical mechanics of complex systems, thermodynamics

    Tiziano Squartini is a physicist, working from November 2015 as an Assistant Professor at IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, in Lucca (within the NETWORKS Research Unit). He was born in 1983 in Siena, where he graduated in 2008 with a Master_s Degree in Physics and defended his PhD thesis (_Information-theoretic approach to the analysis of complex networks_) in 2011. During the biennium 2012-2013 he was Postdoctoral Researcher at the Lorentz-Institute for Theoretical Physics (Leiden, NL) under the supervision of Diego Garlaschelli. From January 2014 to October 2015 he was Postodoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Complex Systems UOS Sapienza in Rome, under the supervision of Luciano Pietronero. His research activity focuses on both the theoretical and the applied side of complex networks theory (e.g. network reconstruction, network validation, link prediction, early-warning signals detection in economic and financial systems). He currently collaborates with the Supervisory Policy Division of the Dutch National Bank and the Bank of England. Other research interests concern statistics, statistical mechanics, brain networks and neural networks.

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    Massimo Stella - United Kingdom

    PhD student
    Institute for Complex Systems Simulation (ICSS)
    University of Southampton
    networks, nonextensive statistical mechanics, preferential attachment, small world networks, spatial networks, statistical mechanics, traffic formation
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    Dr. Eng. Dominik Strzalka - Poland

    Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland
    complex systems, long-range dependencies, non-extensive statistical mechanics

    Influence of long-range dependencies, feedback and nonextensivity on complex computer systems behavior.

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    Dr. Cédric Sueur - France

    Associate Professor
    Département d'Ecologie, Physiologie, Ethologie
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    animal behavior, biology, collective, collective behavior, collective movements, decision, decision making, ecology, ethics, ethology, models, multi-agent systems, optimality, primates, self-organisation, social network analysis, social networks

    Every day, millions of humans make decisions about issues of interest for the group or the community they represent. Equivalent processes have been described well by several authors for animal societies. Group members must take decisions satisfying the majority of individuals (i.e. decision accuracy) but in a relative short period (i.e. decision speed). Much time may be required to make an accurate decision between alternatives, because evaluating information may be a lengthy process. Nevertheless, empirical studies demonstrating the conflict between speed and accuracy in decision making are mostly investigations in the field of human performance and psychology. Several factors can affect this trade-off between speed and accuracy. Better information can enhance the efficiency of the decision. However, the decision efficiency also depends on the way individuals are inter-connected, that is, according to the social network. I want to assess how the information quality and social network may enhance the collective decision-making by increasing both the accuracy and the speed of the decision.

    Ethobiosciences - Cabinet d'Ethologie: Expertise et Recherche en Bien-être et Comportement Animal / Research and Consultancy Agency in Animal Wellbeing and Behaviour.

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    Ms Alros . Sumner - Australia

    PHD Student
    complexity leadership theory, dr edward de bono's lateral thinking tools, human brain as a complex adaptive system

    Relationship between complexity leadership theory and Dr Edward de Bono's cognitive tools and processes he has designed to deal with the human brain as a complex adaptive system.

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    Hanlin Sun - United Kingdom

    School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London
    complex networks, network theory, percolation, statistical physics, message passing algorithm, hypergraph, higher-order interaction
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    Samir Suweis - Italy

    Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics, Physics Department, University of Padova
    complex systems, ecology, neuroscience, statistical physics
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    Dr. Uwe Tangen - Germany

    Senior Scientist
    Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)

    Self-oranization, origin-of-life, artificial cells

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    Dr. Fabien Tarissan - France

    Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique / ENS Paris-Saclay
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    bipartite graphs, citation networks, complex networks, diffusion, dynamics of networks, models, network analysis, network dynamics, social network analysis, social sciences

    My work mainly concerns the analysis and modeling of large networks encountered in practice, such as the Internet, the web, social networks or legal networks. These networks are typically represented by graphs and a set of techniques stemming from graph theory has already proven to be very useful to characterize and analyze their structure and to model their behavior by highlighting specific properties. My work follows this approach by proposing new theoretical tools in order to identify non-trivial properties of these networks and to define new models able to capture these properties.

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    Angel A. Tateishi - Brazil
    anomalous diffusion, comb-model, complex systems, multidisciplinary physics
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    PhD Andrea Tellini - France

    Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    asymptotic speed of propagation, different spatial dimensions, elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, heterogeneous environments, numerical continuation, population dynamics, qualitative properties of solutions, superlinear indefinite problems, topological methods for differential equations
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    Guy Theraulaz - France

    Centre de recherches sur la cognition animale, collective animal behavior lab, centre de biologie integrative
    collective behavior, collective intelligence, computational social science
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    Prof. Daniel Thiel - France

    Centre d_Economie de Paris Nord (CEPN)
    Université Paris 13 - Villetaneuse, Bobigny, Saint-Denis (Paris 13)
    multi-agent models, social simulation, system dynamics

    Multiagent modeling, system dynamics, automata networks

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    Dr. Véronique Thomas-Vaslin - France

    researcher CNRS
    UMRS959 Immunology, Immunopathology, Immunotherapy (I3)
    Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
    agent-based models, aging, cell dynamics, data, data integration, data mining and analysis, distributed system, dynamical system, immune systems, integrative immunology, lymphocytes, mathematical modeling, models, population, simulation, systems biology

    Dynamics of lymphoid cell populations in the immune system_ Modeling and simulations of lymphocyte differentiation, selection and resilience to perturbations and aging

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    Coline Tison - France

    political science, social sciences, journalist, digital science
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    Dr. Yancho V. Todorov - Bulgaria

    Assistant professor
    Intelligent Systems
    bio-inspired methods, dynamical systems, food engineering, fuzzy systems, machine learning, models, neural networks, nonlinear dynamics, optimization, prediction, process control, automation, nonlinear systems, fuzzy-neural networks, fault detection, fault tolerant control, model predictive control
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    Olivier Togni - France

    algorithmics, graph theory, network theory
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    Prof. Emmanuelle Tognoli - USA

    Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences
    Florida Atlantic University
    brain, complexity, eeg, neuroscience, nonlinear dynamics, social behavior
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    prof. Marco Tomassini - Switzerland

    University of Lausanne

    Evolutionary computation, complex networks, automata networks, social networks, evolutionary games

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    Alberto Tonda - France

    complex systems, evolutionary computation, genetic programming, machine learning, mathematical modeling, food processing, evolutionary algorithms, road
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    Virginie Tournay - France

    Centre de recherches politiques de SciencesPo
    big data, biotechnologies, institution, #datapol
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    Dr. Suzanne Touzeau - France

    UMR1355 Institut Sophia Agrobiotech
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    dynamical systems, epidemiology, individual-based models, model reduction, multiscale modeling, parameter identification, population dynamics, simulation
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    Alain Trouve - France

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    Prof. Constantino Tsallis - Brazil

    Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
    Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao
    foundations of complexity, non-additive entropies, nonextensive statistical mechanics
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    Paola Tubaro - France

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique (LISN)
    #iscpif, #frccs2022, #socialnetworks, #networkscience, #agent-based models, # digital platform economy, # economics, # sociology, # artificial intelligence
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    Caglar Tuncay - Turkey
    physical history, regularities

    Languages, econophysics, opinion dynamics, solid state physics, biological systems, nonlinear bio medical physics

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    liubov tupikina - France

    ID lab, city interaction lab
    complex networks, random walks, urban systems, temporal networks
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    Stefano Ungaro - France

    Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques (PSE)
    economics, models, economic history, econometrics
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    digestion, food science, meso-structure engineering, multi-function approach, multiscale systems, oral processing, processing, sensory science, sustainability

    I am interested in multi-level relationships in food materials between molecular and macroscopic scale properties. In particular when the material is exposed to constantly changing environments as in oral processing and digestion, i.e. complex conditions.

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    Prof. Marc Van Hulle - Belgium

    Laboratorium voor Neuro- & Psychofysiologie
    KU Leuven
    self-organization, brain-machine interfacing, non-linear signal processing

    self-organization, brain-machine interfacing, non-linear signal processing

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    Dr. Pascal van Lieshout - Canada

    Professor _ Chair
    Oral Dynamics Lab (ODL)
    University of Toronto
    coordination dynamics, gestural phonology, oral motor control, speech, task dynamics

    Oral motor control, coordination dynamics, speech pathology, swallowing, interface language and speech processes, variability in motor control

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    David Vandergucht - France

    3D, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), visualization, remote sensing, lidar, slam
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    David Vandergucht - France

    3D, deep learning, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), visualization, remote sensing
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    Prof. Hamilton Varela - Brazil

    complex systems, dynamical self-organization, electrochemical oscillators, oscillators, prediction, reaction-transport systems, self-organization, space-time, spatio-temporal pattern formation

    Complex systems, Dynamic self-organization, spatiotemporal pattern formation, reaction-transport systems, (electro)chemical oscillations

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    Dr. Franck Varenne - France

    Associate Professor
    Université de Rouen Normandie
    agent-based models, artificial societies, complex computer simulations, computational life sciences, computational social sciences, epistemology, epistemology of models and simulations, models of complex systems, models of morphogenesis, models in geography

    epistemology of models and simulations _ types of computer simulations _ pluriformalisms _ multimodeling _ epistemology of computational sciences of complex systems _ epistemology of complex and integrative models of complex systems

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    Prof. Liz Varga - United Kingdom

    Complex Systems Research Centre (CSRC)
    Cranfield University
    agent-based models, coevolution, critical infrastructures, emergence, evolution, freight logistics, inter-disciplinarity, smart grids, utilities

    Finding rules for socio-economic systems that will confer increased beneficial sustainability with tolerable implications for other emergent properties.

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    Dr. Boriana Vatchova - Bulgaria

    Research Fellow
    Hierarchical Systems
    Institute of Computer and Communication Systems (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
    complex systems, knowledge based systems, knowledge extraction, real data sets processing, uncertainty

    Researcher in the field of Intelligent Systems, Data Processing, Knowledge Extraction for analysis, control, prediction and forecasting for complex systems.

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    Prof. Gábor Vattay - Hungary

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems
    Eötvös University
    social network analysis, quantum biology, quantum computing, quantum chaos
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    Julien Velcin - France

    Laboratoire ERIC
    artificial intelligence, information retrieval, machine learning
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    Antoine Vendeville - France

    PhD student
    Department of Computer Science
    University College London (UCL)
    opinion dynamics, social networks, statistical physics
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    Tommaso Venturini - France

    Institut des Systemes Complexes Region Rhone-Alpes
    actor-network theory, computational social sciences, digital methods, digital sociology, méthodes numériques, science and technology studies, media studies
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    Paul Vernhet - France

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France (ISCPIF)
    big data, complex systems, data mining and analysis, machine learning, mathematics
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    Dr. Philippe Vernier - France

    Research Director
    Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    developmental biology, evolutionary biology, neurobiology, neurogenesis, neurotransmission, parkinson_s disease

    _Comparative biology and evolution of catecholamine systems and forebrain in Chordates: The goal of our research is to understand how the neuromodulatory systems using monoamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin) have been shaped and organized along protochordates and vertebrates evolution. This work includes the analysis of the genetic mechanisms of the differentiation of the various catecholamine systems is several groups of chordates (ascidia, amphioxus, and zebrafish), with the aim of better understanding how the different functions of these systems has been recruited along evolution, and how their dysfunctions contribute to several pathologies ( Parkinson_s disease and ADHD).____Mechanisms of the development and evolution of the forebrain in vertebrates: we are studying the rôle of genes which govern the formation and the organization of the telencephalon, hypothalamus and diencephalon, to understand how these areas have been modified and adapted to functions according the lifestyle of the different groups of vertebrates

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    Prof. jerome verny - France

    Associate Professor
    MOBIS - RBS Sustainable Mobility and Systems of Systems
    logistics, transport
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    Prof. Peter H. Vervest - Netherlands

    Department of Technology and Operations Management
    Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University
    actor informedness, complex business networks, complex information networks, complexity in public transport, load balancing and load optimization, network mapping, self-organizing logistics
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    Christian L. Vestergaard - France

    Decision and Bayesian Computation / Neuroscience Dep. / Institut Pasteur
    complex networks, information theory, machine learning, neural networks, neuroscience, social networks, statistical physics, statistics
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    PhD Clément Vidal - Belgium

    Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group (ECCO)
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
    astrobiology, collective intelligence, cosmology, cybernetics, philosophy, systems theory

    In the last few decades, science and cosmology provided us great insights about our place in the universe. However, the scientific worldview strives to be value-free_ we thus need to extend it to give a meaning to our lives. A broader philosophical worldview answering our existential questions is such an extension. This worldview will provide people a meaning of life, in harmony with past and future cosmic evolution.

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    Bruno Vieira Ribeiro - Brazil

    Instituto federal de Brasília
    complex systems, mathematical modeling, nonlinear dynamics, statistical physics
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    Emmanuel Viennet - France

    data mining and analysis, machine learning, social network analysis
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    PhD candidate Kristel Vignery - Belgium

    Ph.D. Candidate
    University Saint Louis - Brussels
    data mining and analysis, education, graph visualization, network analysis, networks, social network analysis, social sciences, statistics, student networks, clustering on graphs

    I graduated in Statistics from the Louvain School of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Science in 2010. I specialized in data management, data mining (PCA, discriminant analysis, clustering _) and predictive modeling (logistic regression, hierarchical or mixed models _). I have experience in working with large data sets, and statistical tools such as SAS, R and SPSS. My current interests include working on graphs, by using social network analysis tools and data mining techniques applied to graphs. My PhD research focuses on the structural components of student networks (in particular student centrality measures and network density) that are related to student academic achievement.

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    annick vignes - France

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS)
    social networks_ markets_, social network analysis_ segregation
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    annick vignes - France

    ((LISIS)/ INRAE)
    complex systems, economics, sustainability
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    Régine Vignes Lebbe - France

    Institut de Systématique Evolution Biodiversité
    biodiversity informatics, database, systematics
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    Dr. Jean-Pierre Vila - France

    Directeur de recherche
    Mathématiques, Informatique et STatistique pour l'Environnement et l'Agronomie (Mistéa)
    SupAgro Montpellier
    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
    nonlinear filtering, nonlinear predictive control, nonparametric identification, stochastic dynamical systems

    Stochastic Dynamical Systems
    Filtering theory
    Stochastic control
    Neural Networks
    Optimal design of experiments

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    Dr. Rui Vilela Mendes - Portugal

    CMAFCIO, Mathematics Dept.
    University of Lisbon
    complex systems, financial mathematics, mathematical physics
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    Dr. Marco Villani - Italy

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

    Marco Villani received his honours degree in Physics in 1992; his thesis "Genetic algorithms for function optimisation on transputer networks " obtained in 1993 the "Franco Viaggi" awards of the SFI (the Italian Physic Society). He worked at ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and Environment) and at "Advanced Computer Systems S.p.A." company; then he worked for eight years at the Environmental Research Centre of Montacatini S.p.A (Montedison group) as researcher and eventually responsible of the Simulation Laboratory. Now he is researcher in Engineering and Computer Science and responsible of the Modelling and Simulation Laboratory at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. In 2006 he win the Best Paper Award at ACRI2006 (The International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry). He was and is involved in several Italian and European projects, where applies complex systems concepts in areas that require strong interdisciplinarity. At present he is the coordinator of the European project CETRA - Complexity Education for TRAiners. His main interests are about applications of frameworks as cellular automata, agent based models, Random Boolean Networks and graph theory to environmental, health and social topics

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    Dr. Eric Vincent - France

    Director of laboratory
    Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé (SPEC)
    Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
    disordered magnetic systems, glassy dynamics, magnetic nanoparticles, rejuvenation and memory effects, spin glasses, topologically frustrated magnetic systems. aging
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    Scott Viteri - USA

    Robotics Researcher
    Distributed Robotics Laboratory/CSAIL
    artificial intelligence, cognitive science, complex systems, mathematics, robotics
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    Prof. Michael Vitevitch - USA

    Umeå University
    complex networks, language, phonology
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    Margaux Vrech - France

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM)
    Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
    complex systems, information theory, neuroscience
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    Prof. Gérard Weisbuch - France

    Research fellow
    Laboratoire de Physique Statistique (LPS)
    Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm (ENS Ulm)
    complex systems, dynamics, opinion dynamics, social systems, sustainable development
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    Dr. Karoline Wiesner - United Kingdom

    Associate Professor
    School of Mathematics
    University of Bristol
    foundations of complexity, information theory

    applied information theory, foundations of complex systems

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    Dr. Horacio S. Wio Beitelmajer - Spain

    Associated Researcher
    Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y de Sistemas Complejos
    Universidad de Baleares - CSIC
    agent-based models, growth phenomena, noise induced phenomena, nonequilibrium statistical physics

    Interest in: (a) noise induced phenomena and its possible technological and biological applications_ (b)applicastions of statistical physics to economic and social problems_ (c) nonequilibrium statistical physics.

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    Prof. Dr. Tarynn M. Witten - USA

    Prof., Director of Research
    Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
    Virginia Commonwealth University
    aging, biological networks, complexity theory, high performance computing, immunology, modeling, simulation, systems biology, geriatrics
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    Hussein Yahia - France

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    Ms Cigdem G. Yalcin - Turkey

    Research Assistant-Ph.D.
    complex systems
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    Dr. Anastasia Yartseva - France

    big data, complex systems, data mining and analysis, social dynamics, systems biology
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    Ali Yassin - France

    PhD Student
    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne (LIB)
    complex systems, backboning, filtering techniques, backbone extraction
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    Romain Yvinec - France

    INRA, Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements
    agent-based models, mathematical modeling, molecular biology, parameter estimation, population dynamics, individual-based model, limit theorems, signaling system
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    Emma Zajdela - USA

    PhD candidate
    Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ESAM)
    Northwestern University
    big data, collaboration, complex systems, dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamics, science of science, social dynamics, sociophysics, team formation, team assembly, conferences
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    Dr. Gilbert Zalczer - France

    Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé (SPEC)
    Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
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    mina zamani - France

    biological networks, complex networks, social networks
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    Dr. Anna Zaytseva - Norway

    Project Coordinator
    University of Agder
    attractors, complex adaptive systems (CAS), coordination, information systems, law, memory, mutual shaping between technologies and law, narrative, parallelism, policy, public sector, Russia, Scandinavia, sustainability, valued signals, john holland, labor policies, social inclusion, computational psychology, talent, european union, ehealth

    I am interested in combining things, interrelating and matching them. Thus, Complexity Science is helpful - as a life philosophy and applied practical knowledge recognizing the unity of the world. Tiny details and large-scale processes matter equally. Computational thinking is thinking at logically diverse levels of abstraction and in relationships - something that allows uncertainty to become a part of decision making and problem solving. I combine what I know in Law with the acquired learning in Information Systems, Organizational Research, and I keep my intellectual involvement into international and European relations, standardization processes, innovation and cooperation for peace. I am impressed with success of Natural Sciences, and I will try my best to encourage it as much as I can. I believe that there exists the best possible match of persons for their self-realization with proper jobs and hobbies - this is what I love thinking over and working for. I would like teaching people in complexity and simplicity as two sides of the same coin - in whatever outstanding mixtures the people can come up with. I enjoy Punk Rock and cycling to places previously unseen.

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    environmental economics, game theory, networks, social interaction, technological change
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    Mengsen Zhang - USA

    Human Brain and Behavior Laboratory, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, USA
    dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamics, dynamical systemsnonlinear dynamics, social coordination, homology
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    weilian zhao - China

    data mining and analysis, social network analysis, social networks
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    Angela Zoss - USA

    design questions, networks, visualization
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    Prof. Hervé Zwirn - France

    Associate Professor
    Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques
    Université Paris 7 – Diderot (Paris 7)
    models, optimisation, philosophy of physics, reasoning, simulation

    President of Eurobios

    horizontal separator

    Labs by alphabetical order

    List of teams or labs mentioned by the scholars


     (((LIB))) - DIJON

     ((AGORA)) - Cergy-Pontoise

     ((Aramis)) - Paris



     ((INSERM)) - PARIS


     (CETAPS - UR 3832) - Mont-Saint-Aignan


     (CIRAD - UMR TETIS) - Montpellier


     (INRA, CEPIA) - UMR 782 GMPA

     (INRA-GMPA MIA Dpt) - Grignon

     (LAMSADE) and (LIPAH)


     IF - Katowice, Poland

    A. Chelkowski Institute of Physics

     ALEPHSYS / Dept. Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

    ALEPHSYS / Dept. Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

     Alephsys Lab

    Alephsys Lab

     Alliance Manchester Business School

    Alliance Manchester Business School

     ALS Centre, Dutch Connectome Lab

    ALS Centre, Dutch Connectome Lab

     Anthropology - None


     Autonomous University of Mexico City

    Autonomous University of Mexico City

     Barcelona Supercomputing Center

    Barcelona Supercomputing Center

     Behavioural Science Institute - None

    Behavioural Science Institute

     Biocomplexity Institute

    Biocomplexity Institute

     BioEmergence - Gif sur Yvette


     BF2I  [UMR 0203]

    Biologie Fonctionnelle Insectes et Interactions


    INRA - France
    Université de Lyon - Lyon, France

     Biosocial Complexity Initiative

     AMAP - Montpellier  [UMR AMAP]

    botAnique et bioInforMatique de l'Architecture des Plantes


    Center for Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems

     Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences

    Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences

     INS UW

    Center for Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation & Engineering, Institute for Social Studies

     Center for Complexity and Emerging Technologies

    Center for Complexity and Emerging Technologies

     Center for Network Science

    Center for Network Science


    CEU - Budapest, Hungary


    Center for Scientific Computing


    DCU - Dublin, Ireland

     Center for Soft & Living Matter - Orsay, France

    Center for Soft & Living Matter

     Center for the Study of Biological Complexity

    Center for the Study of Biological Complexity

     Center of Complex Sciences C3, UNAM

    Center of Complex Sciences C3, UNAM

     Central European University Complexity Science Hub

    Central European University Complexity Science Hub

     Centre Cavaillès / UAR 3608 république des savoirs / Philosophy - Paris, France

    Centre Cavaillès / UAR 3608 république des savoirs / Philosophy

     CAMS  [UMR 8557]

    Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales


    CNRS - France
    EHESS - Paris, France

     Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord

    Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord

     Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche sur l'Environnement et la Société

    Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche sur l'Environnement et la Société

     Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy

    Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy


    Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations

     CPT  [UMR 7332]

    Centre de Physique Théorique


    AMU - Marseille, France
    CNRS - France


    Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée


    CNRS - France
    Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France

     CRC - sophia antipolis

    centre de recherche sur les risques et les crises

     Centre de recherche translationnelle - France

    Centre de recherche translationnelle

     Centre de Recherches INRIA Grenoble Rhône Alpes, Lyon - None

    Centre de Recherches INRIA Grenoble Rhône Alpes, Lyon

     Centre de recherches politiques de SciencesPo - Paris

    Centre de recherches politiques de SciencesPo

     Centre de recherches sur la cognition animale, collective animal behavior lab, centre de biologie integrative - Toulouse

    Centre de recherches sur la cognition animale, collective animal behavior lab, centre de biologie integrative

     Centre de Sociologie des Organisations - Paris

    Centre de Sociologie des Organisations

     Centre de Sociologie des Organisations - ORIO - Paris

    Centre de Sociologie des Organisations - ORIO

     CAMS - Paris

    Centre d_Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales


    Centre d_Economie de Paris Nord

     Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

    Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

     CBE, ION

    Centre for Behaviour and Evolution

     Centre for Complex Systems Studies

    Centre for Complex Systems Studies

     Centre for Complexity Science and Department of Mathematics - None

    Centre for Complexity Science and Department of Mathematics

     Centre for Infocomm Technology

    Centre for Infocomm Technology


    Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Institute of Cybernetics


    TTÜ - Talinn, Estonia


    Centre for Policy Modelling

     Centre for Research in Ecology Evolution and Behaviour, University of Roehampton

    Centre for Research in Ecology Evolution and Behaviour, University of Roehampton


    Centre for Research in Social Simulation


    University of Surrey - Guildford, UK


    Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing

     Centre Lillois d_Etudes et de Recherches Economiques - Lille

    Centre Lillois d_Etudes et de Recherches Economiques

     Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas

    Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas

     Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad

    Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad


    Centro de ciencias de la complejidad

     Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinar Ciencia y Sociedad

    Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinar Ciencia y Sociedad

     Centrul pentru Studiul Complexitatii

    Centrul pentru Studiul Complexitatii

     Sciences Po - Paris


     Chair of Systems Design

    Chair of Systems Design

     CMAFCIO, Mathematics Dept.

    CMAFCIO, Mathematics Dept.

     Cognitions Humaines et Artificielle - Paris

    Cognitions Humaines et Artificielle

     Complex Systems Group

    Complex Systems Group

     Complex Systems Laboratory

    Complex Systems Laboratory


    Complex Systems Modeling, Simulation, and Engineering

     CSRC - Cranfield, UK

    Complex Systems Research Centre

     CSRS - Cranfield, UK

    Complex Systems Research Centre


    Cranfield University - Cranfield, UK

     Complex Systems Research Group at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

     Complexity group, Information Communication Networks Lab

     Complexity, Communication and Sociolinguistics Group

     Computational and Digital Epidemiology Laboratory


    Computational Science

     Computer Architecture and Technology Department

    Computer Architecture and Technology Department

     Computer Science Institute

    Computer Science Institute



     Coordenadoria Especial de Física, Química e Matemática

    Coordenadoria Especial de Física, Química e Matemática

     Decision and Bayesian Computation / Neuroscience Dep. / Institut Pasteur - Paris

    Decision and Bayesian Computation / Neuroscience Dep. / Institut Pasteur

     Decision and Bayesian Computation Lab, Neuroscience Dpt, Institut Pasteur - Paris

    Decision and Bayesian Computation Lab, Neuroscience Dpt, Institut Pasteur

     Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación en Inteligencia Artificial

    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación en Inteligencia Artificial

     Departamento de Física de la Materia Condnesada, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla,Spain

    Departamento de Física de la Materia Condnesada, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla,Spain

     Departamento de Ingenieria Biomedica

    Departamento de Ingenieria Biomedica

     Département d'Ecologie, Physiologie, Ethologie

    Département d'Ecologie, Physiologie, Ethologie


    CNRS - France


    Département de génie électrique et de génie informatique

     Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - University of Bologna

    Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - University of Bologna


    Department of Applied Mathematics

     Department of Archaeology

    Department of Archaeology

     Department of Computer Science

    Department of Computer Science


    UNIBO - Bologna, Italy

     Department of Economics

    Department of Economics

     Department of Enterprise Engineering - None

    Department of Enterprise Engineering


    Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

     Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University

    Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University

     Department of Physics

    Department of Physics

     Department of Physics of Complex Systems

    Department of Physics of Complex Systems

     Department of Political Science

    Department of Political Science

     Department of Technology and Operations Management

    Department of Technology and Operations Management

     Department of theoretical computer science

    Department of theoretical computer science

     Dept. of Engineering and Computer Science

    Dept. of Engineering and Computer Science

     Developmental Biology Lab/Robin/IBPS - Paris

    Developmental Biology Lab/Robin/IBPS

     Dipartimento di Matematica

    Dipartimento di Matematica

     Distributed Robotics Laboratory/CSAIL

    Distributed Robotics Laboratory/CSAIL

     DTU Compute

    DTU Compute

     DYNAFOR  [UMR 1201]

    Dynamiques et écologie des paysages agroforestiers

     École française de Rome - Rome

    École française de Rome

     Ecological Complexity and Modeling Lab

    Ecological Complexity and Modeling Lab

     Ecolonical Lab - Saint-Herblain

    Ecolonical Lab


    Electrical Engineering Department

     Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics

    Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics

     Energy Institute - None

    Energy Institute

     Engineering Mathematics

    Engineering Mathematics


    Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

     Epigenetic and Cell fate UMR7216

    Epigenetic and Cell fate UMR7216

     Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

    Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia

     ETIS Lab / LS2N Lab - Cergy-Pontoise _ Nantes

    ETIS Lab / LS2N Lab


    Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group


    VUB - Bruxelles, Belgium

     ECOS Group - Portugal

    Evolutionary and Complex Systems Group


    UC.PT - Coimbra, Portugal

     Faculty of Technology, School of Engineering & Sustainable Development

    Faculty of Technology, School of Engineering & Sustainable Development

     Genome Structure and Instability - Paris

    Genome Structure and Instability

     Géographie Cités  [UMR 8504]

    Géographie Cités


    CNRS - France
    Paris 1 - Paris, France

     Géosciences Rennes - Rennes, France  [UMR 6118]

    Géosciences Rennes


    Gestion des Ressources Renouvelables et Environnement

     Ghent University - GLIMS

    Ghent University - GLIMS

     Gipsa-lab - Grenoble, France  [UMR 5216]

    Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique

     Gulliver  [UMR 7083]



    ESPCI - Paris, France
    CNRS - France

     Hierarchical Systems

    Hierarchical Systems





     Human Brain and Behavior Laboratory, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, USA

    Human Brain and Behavior Laboratory, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, Florida Atlantic University, USA

     ICube/Complex System and Translational Biology - Strasbourg

    ICube/Complex System and Translational Biology

     ID lab, city interaction lab - CRI

    ID lab, city interaction lab

     IDEES  [UMR 6266]




     ILM/Modélisation de la matière condensée et des interfaces/69100

    ILM/Modélisation de la matière condensée et des interfaces/69100

     IR4M  [UMR8081]

    Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Médicale et Multi-Modalités


    CNRS - France

     Informatics Research Centre, School of Computing - Manchester, UK

    Informatics Research Centre, School of Computing

     IMAG - Grenoble, France

    Informatics, mathematics and applications


    UGA - Grenoble, France
    CNRS - France

     Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena

    Information Engineering and Mathematics, University of Siena

     IBISC - Evry, France  [EA 4526]

    Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes


    CNRS - France
    UEVE - Evry, France


    INRA, Dept Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées

     INRA, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées Toulouse, UR0875 - castanet-tolosan

    INRA, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées Toulouse, UR0875

     INRA, Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements - Nouzilly

    INRA, Physiologie de la Reproduction et des Comportements

     INRAE, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées UMR 518

    INRAE, Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées UMR 518

     Inria / Paris Brain Institute - Paris

    Inria / Paris Brain Institute

     INRIA Saclay


     ICJ  [UMR 5208]

    Institut Camille Jourdan

     Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques

    Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques


    Institut d'Imagerie Biomédicale

     IRIT - Toulouse, France  [UMR 5505]

    Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse


    CNRS - France
    Université Toulouse 1 - Capitole - Toulouse, France

     Institut de Systématique Evolution Biodiversité - Paris

     Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique / ENS Paris-Saclay - Paris, France

     ISCPIF - Paris, France  [UPS 3611]

    Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Ile-de-France


    CNRS - France

     Institut des Systemes Complexes Region Rhone-Alpes - Lyon

    Institut des Systemes Complexes Region Rhone-Alpes

     Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique

    Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique


    Institut d_Astrophysique Spatiale

     Institut d_Etudes des Systèmes Complexes de Toulouse - Toulouse

    Institut d_Etudes des Systèmes Complexes de Toulouse

     Institut Jean Nicod - None

    Institut Jean Nicod

     Lyon 1 - Villeurbanne

    Institut Lumière Matière

     IXXI - Lyon, France

    Institut rhônalpin des systèmes complexes


    ENS Lyon - Lyon, France

     Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems

    Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems


    Institute for Complex Systems Simulation


    University of Southampton - Southampton, UK


    Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems


    UIB - Palma de Mallorca, Spain


    Institute for Science Innovation and Society

     Institute for Theoretical Physics - None

    Institute for Theoretical Physics

     ILS UW

    Institute of Applied Linguistics

     Institute of geography and sustainability

    Institute of geography and sustainability


    Institute of Physics


    PW - Warsaw, Poland

     Institute of Physics / HiLASE Centre / RP4

    Institute of Physics / HiLASE Centre / RP4

     Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y de Sistemas Complejos

    Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y de Sistemas Complejos

     Instituto de Investigaciones en Matematicas Aplicadas y en Sistemas

    Instituto de Investigaciones en Matematicas Aplicadas y en Sistemas

     Instituto federal de Brasília

    Instituto federal de Brasília

     Instituto Politecnico Nacional

    Instituto Politecnico Nacional


    Instituto Superior das Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa


    IUL - Lisboa, Portugal

     Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social

    Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social

     Inteligent Distributed Systems

    Inteligent Distributed Systems

     Intelligent Systems - None

    Intelligent Systems

     Interaction Data Lab, LPI - Paris

    Interaction Data Lab, LPI


    International Center of Unconventional Computing , Bristol Institute of Technology


    UWE Bristol - Bristol, UK

     ISAE-Cnam Liban

    ISAE-Cnam Liban

     Italian National Research Council

    Italian National Research Council

     Kedge Business School - Bordeaux

    Kedge Business School



     Lab. LaSTIG /MATIS group - Saint-Mandé

    Lab. LaSTIG /MATIS group

     LabCOMplex - Complex R+D Communication Laboratory - Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Comunicación Compleja

    LabCOMplex - Complex R+D Communication Laboratory - Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Comunicación Compleja

     LIP6 - Paris, France  [UMR 7606]

    Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6


    CNRS - France
    UPMC - Paris, France

     LIFO, Université d'Orléans

    Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans


    Laboratoire d'Informatique, du Traitement de l'Information et des Systèmes


    ULH - Le Havre, France

     I3S - Sophia Antipolis, France  [UMR 7271]

    Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes


    CNRS - France
    UNS - Nice, France

     Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentation et Approche Numérique

    Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentation et Approche Numérique

     Laboratoire de Génie Informatique et Automatique de l'Artois

    Laboratoire de Génie Informatique et Automatique de l'Artois


    Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées du Havre


    ULH - Le Havre, France

     Laboratoire de Microbiologie des environnements extrêmes - None

    Laboratoire de Microbiologie des environnements extrêmes


    Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand

     Laboratoire de Physique ENS de Lyon - Lyon

    Laboratoire de Physique ENS de Lyon

     LPS - Paris, France  [UMR 8550]

    Laboratoire de Physique Statistique


    ENS Ulm - Paris, France

     Laboratoire de Physique Théorique

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique

     LPTMC / IHES - Paris, France  [UMR 7600]

    laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée

     Laboratoire De Physique Théorique et Modélisation - Paris-Cergy

    Laboratoire De Physique Théorique et Modélisation

     LPTM  [UMR 8089]

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation

     LPTM  [UMR 8089]

    Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation UMR8089 CNRS-UCP

     Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires

    Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires

     LRI  [UMR 8623]

    Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique de l'Université de Paris Sud


    Paris Sud - Orsay, France

     Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie

    Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Ingénieur, de l'Informatique et de l'Imagerie

     DDL  [UMR 5596]

    Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage


    CNRS - France
    Université Lyon 2 – Lumière - Lyon, France

     Laboratoire d_algèbre, cryptographie, code et application/Informatique

     Laboratoire d_analyse numérique et Informatique/ Laboratoire de l_algebre et de la cryptographie

     Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne

     LIB - Dijon

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne

     Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne - EA 7534 - Dijon

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Bourgogne - EA 7534

     LIG - Grenoble, France

    Laboratoire d_informatique de Grenoble

     LIP6 - Paris

    Laboratoire d_Informatique de Paris 6

     LIRIS - Paris

    Laboratoire d_Informatique en Image et Systèmes d_information

     LITIS - Le Havre

    Laboratoire d_Informatique, du Traitement de l_Information et des Systèmes

     LISC - Clermont-Ferrand

    Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes

     Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes de Versailles

    Laboratoire d_Ingénierie des Systèmes de Versailles


    Laboratoire Eau Environnement Systèmes Urbains

     Laboratoire Ecologie-Evolution  [UMR 7625]

    Laboratoire Ecologie-Evolution

     Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management

    Laboratoire en Innovation, Technologies, Economie et Management

     Laboratoire ERIC - Lyon

    Laboratoire ERIC

     LiSSi  [EA 3956]

    Laboratoire Images, Signaux et Systèmes Intelligents


    UPEC - Créteil, France

     LIGM  [UMR 8049]

    Laboratoire Informatique Gaspard Monge

     Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de l_Université Virtuelle du Sénégal

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de l_Université Virtuelle du Sénégal

     Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain LIED UMR8236 - France

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain LIED UMR8236

     LISN - Gif-sur-Yvette

    Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique

     LORIA - Lorraine, France  [UMR 7503]

    Laboratoire Lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications


    Université de Lorraine - Nancy, France
    INRIA - France

     Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information

    Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information

     Laboratorium voor Neuro- & Psychofysiologie

    Laboratorium voor Neuro- & Psychofysiologie

     Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

    Laboratory for Statistical Physics of Complex Systems

     Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics, Physics Department, University of Padova

    Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics, Physics Department, University of Padova

     LAMSADE -University Paris Dauphine - Paris

    LAMSADE -University Paris Dauphine

     LASTIG, Univ Gustave Eiffel, IGN-ENSG - Paris

    LASTIG, Univ Gustave Eiffel, IGN-ENSG

     Le Fresnoy-National studio of contemporary arts - Tourcoing

    Le Fresnoy-National studio of contemporary arts

     Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

     UMR 5193 - Toulouse


     LISST / Université de Toulouse II - Toulouse

    LISST / Université de Toulouse II

     Mathematical Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

     Mathematical Sciences Institute and Research School of Chemistry

    Mathematical Sciences Institute and Research School of Chemistry

     Mathematics Department - Paris, France

    Mathematics Department

     Mistéa  [UMR Mistea]

    Mathématiques, Informatique et STatistique pour l'Environnement et l'Agronomie


    INRA - France
    SupAgro Montpellier - Montpellier, France

     Mathneuro/Inria, umr 7351/GAD/CNRS-Université Côte d_Azur - Nice, France

     Matrice/ Paris 1 university - Paris

     Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden

     MediaLaB UniPi

     Memorial University of Newfoundland

     MIT Medialab

    MIT Media Laboratory

     MOBIS - RBS Sustainable Mobility and Systems of Systems

    MOBIS - RBS Sustainable Mobility and Systems of Systems

     Monash University

    Monash University

     Myonuclear Biology Lab

    Myonuclear Biology Lab

     naXys - Namur, Belgique

    Namur Institute for Complex Systems

     National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Dept. Sociology

    National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Dept. Sociology

     NETWORKS unit

    NETWORKS unit

     Neuroendocinolgy Fac of Sciences UNAM

    Neuroendocinolgy Fac of Sciences UNAM

     Neuroscience Network

    Neuroscience Network


    Non-linearity and Complexity Research Group


    Aston - Birmingham, UK

     Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

    Norwegian Institute of International Affairs

     NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality

    NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality


    Oral Dynamics Lab

     Oxford Internet Institute

    Oxford Internet Institute

     iEES-Paris UMR 7618

    Paris Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

     PSE - Paris

    Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques

     Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience

    Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience

     Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - Biostatistics

    Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - Biostatistics

     Persyst Dept

    Persyst Dept

     Physics Department

    Physics Department

     INRIA Saclay

    Project-Team TAO





     RD-AVENUE.COM - Research and Development Office for Applied Physics and Engineering

    RD-AVENUE.COM - Research and Development Office for Applied Physics and Engineering

     Research Group Climate Change and Security

    Research Group Climate Change and Security

     RIADI Laboratory

    RIADI Laboratory

     Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

    Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

     SAMM (Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire) - Paris, France

    SAMM (Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire)

     Santa Fe Institute

    Santa Fe Institute

     School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

    School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London

     School of Mathematics

    School of Mathematics


    Self-Organization Laboratory


    Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé


    CEA - France

     SPEC - CEA Saclay

    Service de Physique de l_Etat Condensé

     EA 4543

    Statistique, Analyse, Modélisation Multidisciplinaire

     Stockholm Resilience Centre

    Stockholm Resilience Centre

     Strate School of Design

    Strate School of Design


    Sustainability Measurement and Modeling Lab


    UPC - Barcelona, Spain

     Télécom ParisTech - Dept. Ses - Paris

    Télécom ParisTech - Dept. Ses

     Theory of Computing, Department of Computer & Information Science

    Theory of Computing, Department of Computer & Information Science

     Transect Art Biology Escuela de Doctorado de la UPV

    Transect Art Biology Escuela de Doctorado de la UPV

     Trustworthy, Intelligent and Self-Organizing Systems Laboratory - Paris

    Trustworthy, Intelligent and Self-Organizing Systems Laboratory

     UMR 7351 / Mathneuro / UCA Inria CNRS - Nice

    UMR 7351 / Mathneuro / UCA Inria CNRS

     UMR Géographie-cités - Paris

    UMR Géographie-cités

     UMR1355 Institut Sophia Agrobiotech

    UMR1355 Institut Sophia Agrobiotech


    UMRS959 Immunology, Immunopathology, Immunotherapy

     Complex Systems Digital Campus

    UNESCO UniTwin CS-DC


    Unit 914 INRA-AgroParisTech PNCA (Laboratory of Nutrition Physiology and Ingestive Behavior)

     Unité de Pharmacoépidémiologie et Maladie Infectieuses

    Unité de Pharmacoépidémiologie et Maladie Infectieuses

     Université Paris Cité - Paris

    Université Paris Cité

     UPM Autonomous Systems Labortory

    UPM Autonomous Systems Labortory

     UPRES EA-7449 Reperes

    UPRES EA-7449 Reperes

     Warwick University Department of Statistics

    Warwick University Department of Statistics

     Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation

    Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation

    Institutions by alphabetical order

    List of institutions to which scholars are affiliated



    ACTA (Acta, les instituts techniques agricoles) - France

    ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l_energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile)

    AMU (Aix-Marseille université) - Marseille, France

    AGH (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza) - Cracow, Poland

    Akdeniz University

    Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi

    ARU (Anglia Ruskin University) - Cambridge, UK

    Aristotle University Thessaloniki

    Arizona State University - Tempe, Arizona, USA

    Aston (Aston University) - Birmingham, UK

    ANU (Australian National University) - Australia

    Autonomous University of Madrid

    Bandung Fe Institute - Indonesia

    Binghamton University, State University of New York

    Central European University

    CEU (Central European University) - Budapest, Hungary

    CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement) - France

    Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

    CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

    CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) - France

    CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

    Chalmers (Chalmers University of Technology) - Göteborg, Sweden

    CNRS, University of Toulouse

    ENSSIB (cole nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques) - Villeurbanne, France

    Collegium Budapest - Budapest, Hungary

    CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) - France

    CEA (Commissariat à l_Energie Atomique)

    CEA (Commissariat à l_Energie Atomique)

    Complexio - Paris, France

    COMSATS Institute of IT

    COMSATS Institute of IT, Pakistan

    CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers)

    Cranfield University - Cranfield, UK

    CY Cergy Paris Université

    CY Cergy Paris University

    Czech Academy of Sciences

    DMU (De Montfort University) - Leicester, UK

    TU Delft (Delft University of Technology) - Netherlands

    DCU (Dublin City University) - Dublin, Ireland

    EASTAP - European Association for the study of theatre and performance

    ECAM Strasbourg-Europe

    EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) - Paris, France

    EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

    ENPC (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech) - Paris, France

    ENSI (Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l_Informatique)

    ENSAT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse) - Toulouse, France

    ENS Ulm (Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm) - Paris, France

    ENS Lyon (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) - Lyon, France

    Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France

    Ecole Polytechnique de Dakar, UCAD

    ESPCI (Ecole Superieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle) - Paris, France

    ESSEC (Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales) - Paris, France

    Ecolonical Lab

    Emergence Paris

    Eötvös University

    ETH Zurich

    Florida Atlantic University

    French Ministery of Education and Research

    IBM Research - Zurich

    IBS - UNIST - Ulsan - Korea

    Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

    ICMP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - Lviv, Ukraine

    Imperial College London - London, UK

    IMT Mines Alès

    IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

    Indiana University

    IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) - Marseille, France

    Institut Géographique National

    Institut Louis Bachelier/PSE

    INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) - France

    Inserm (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) - France

    IGN (Institut National de l_Information Géographique et Forestière)

    INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) - France

    IRSTEA (Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture) - France

    IRSTEA (Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l_environnement et l_agriculture)

    INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) - Lyon, France

    INED (Institut national d_études démographiques)

    ISI Foundation (Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation) - Torino, Italy

    Institute of Computer and Communication Systems (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

    Institute of Computer Science ASCR

    Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia

    IUL (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa) - Lisboa, Portugal


    Istanbul Technical University

    Kiev Economic Institute of Management

    KU Leuven

    Liège University

    Manchester Metropolitan University

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    MPI-MIS (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)

    MPI-MIS (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences) - Leipzig, Germany

    Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao

    Nanyang Technological University

    Newcastle University - Newcastle, UK

    Northwestern University

    OU (Open University) - Milton Keynes, UK

    Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

    Paine College



    Plural think tank

    Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    QUT (Queensland University of Technology) - Brisbane, Australia

    Radboud University Nijmegen

    Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University

    RUB (Ruhr University Bochum) - Bochum, Germany

    Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland

    Sabancı University - Istanbul, Turkey

    Sapienza Università di Roma & NCU University London

    Sciences Po


    Silesia University - Katowice, Poland

    CSIC (Spanish Higher Research Council)

    Stellenbosch University

    Stockholm University

    Strate School of Design

    SupAgro Montpellier - Montpellier, France

    TTÜ (Tallinn University of Technology) - Talinn, Estonia

    Technical University of Crete

    Technical University of Denmark

    Technion (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) - Haifa, Israël

    Telecom Ecole de Management, Institut Mines Telecom

    Telecom ParisTech

    the Manchester Metropolitan University

    UMC Utrecht

    Umeå University - Sweden

    USUHS (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences) - USA

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Spain

    UAH (Universidad de Alcalá) - Madrid, Spain

    Universidad de Baleares - CSIC

    Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades

    Universidad de Sevilla

    UV (Universidad de Valparaiso) - Valparaiso, Chile

    Universidad de Zaragoza - Zaragoza, Spain

    UR (Universidad del Rosario) - Bogotá, Colombia

    UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) - Mexico, Mexico

    UPO (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) - Sevilla, Spain

    UC.PT (Universidade de Coimbra) - Coimbra, Portugal

    Universidade Estadual de Maringa

    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    UNL (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - Lisboa, Portugal

    UNIBO (Università degli Studi di Bologna) - Bologna, Italy

    UNIBO (Università di Bologna)

    Università di Trento

    UNIROMA2 (Università Roma 2 - Tor Vergata)

    UB (Universitat de Barcelona) - Barcelona, Spain

    UIB (Universitat de les Illes Balears) - Palma de Mallorca, Spain

    Universitat de València - València, Spain

    UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) - Barcelona, Spain

    Universitat Politècnica de València - València, Spain

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Tarragona, Spain

    BPClermont (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand) - Clermont-Ferrand, France

    UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) - Leuven, Belgium

    UEVE (Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne) - Evry, France

    Université d'Orléans - Orléans, France

    Université de Bretagne Occidentale

    Université de Cergy-Pontoise - Cergy-Pontoise, France

    ULaval (Université de Laval) - Laval, Canada

    Université de Lorraine - Nancy, France

    Université de Lyon - Lyon, France

    UNS (Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis) - Nice, France

    UPEC (Universite de Paris Est Créteil) - Créteil, France

    Université de Rennes 1 - Rennes, France

    Université de Rouen Normandie - Rouen, France

    UDS (Université de Strasbourg) - Strasbourg, France

    Université de Versailles Saint Quentin - Versailles, France

    Université des Antilles

    UEVE (Université d_Evry Val d_Essonne)

    UEB (Université Européenne de Bretagne) - Rennes, France

    Université Gaston Berger

    UGA (Université Grenoble-Alpes) - Grenoble, France

    Université Internationale de la Mer - Cagnes-sur-Mer, France

    ULH (Université Le Havre Normandie) - Le Havre, France

    ULH (Université Le Havre Normandie)

    Lyon 1 (Université Lyon 1 - Claude Bernard)

    Lyon 1 (Université Lyon 1 – Claude Bernard) - Lyon, France

    Université Lyon 2 – Lumière - Lyon, France

    Paris 1 (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne)

    Paris 1 (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne)

    Paris 1 (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne) - Paris, France

    Paris 13 (Université Paris 13 - Villetaneuse, Bobigny, Saint-Denis)

    Paris 13 (Université Paris 13 – Villetaneuse, Bobigny, Saint-Denis) - Paris, France

    Paris 5 (Université Paris 5 - Descartes)

    UPMC (Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie)

    UPMC (Université Paris 6 – Pierre et Marie Curie) - Paris, France

    Paris 7 (Université Paris 7 - Diderot)

    Paris 7 (Université Paris 7 – Diderot) - Paris, France

    Université Paris Cité, INSERM, U1284

    Université Paris Dauphine and Faculté des Sciences de tunis

    Université Paris Nanterre

    Paris Sud (Université Paris Sud 11) - Orsay, France

    Université Paris-Sud

    Université Toulouse 1 - Capitole - Toulouse, France

    Université Toulouse 1 Capitole

    Université Toulouse 3 - Sabatier

    Université Toulouse 3 – Sabatier - Toulouse, France

    UCL (University College London) - London, UK

    University of Agder

    UVA (University of Amsterdam) - Amsterdam, Netherlands

    University of Aveiro

    University of Bristol - Bristol, UK

    UCal (University of California)

    University of California, Riverside

    University Of Craiova - Craiova, Romania

    University of Economics, Prague - Prague, Czech Republic

    University of Hamburg - Hamburg, Germany

    University of Helsinki

    University of Ioannina

    University of Kent - UK

    University of Konstanz

    University of Lausanne - Lausanne, Switzerland

    University of Leipzig - Leipzig, Germany

    University of Leuven

    University of Limerick - Limerick, Ireland

    University of Lisbon

    University of Macedonia

    University of Manchester

    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Italy

    UNamur (University of Namur - Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix) - Namur, Belgique

    University of Nevada Reno

    University of Nottingham Ningbo China

    Oxford (University of Oxford) - Oxford, UK

    University of Pisa

    USP (University of São Paulo) - São Paulo, Brazil

    University of Southampton - Southampton, UK

    University of St Andrews

    University of Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch, South Africa

    University of Surrey - Guildford, UK

    UWE Bristol (University of the West of England) - Bristol, UK

    University of Toronto - Toronto, Canada

    University of Verona - Verona, Italy

    University of Wales Trinity St David

    UW (University of Warsaw) - Warsaw, Poland

    University of Warwick - Warwick, UK

    University of Waterloo - Waterloo, Canada

    University Paris Dauphine PSL

    University Ricardo Palma, Lima-Peru

    University Saint Louis - Brussels

    Utrecht University - Utrecht, Netherlands

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) - Bruxelles, Belgium

    PW (Warsaw University of Technology) - Warsaw, Poland

    WCCPP (Washington Center for Complexity and Public Policy) - USA

    Washington State University

    Wheaton College