This directory presents the profiles of 329 scholars, 155 labs and 95 organizations in the field of Complex Systems:
Its aims are to foster interactions between protagonists in the fields of Complex Systems science and Complexity science, as well as to increase their visibility at the international scale.
wavelets, dependence measure, brain connectivity, graphs, dynamics
environment, wetlands, appropriation, territory
I am interested in the network object (social, scientific, interbank) and in its dynamics. I want to identify and understand network mechanisms and I mainly used agent-based simulation to this aim.
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Gaussian Processes, Ergodic theory
Saïd holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from P & M Curie Univ., Paris. He is an Associate Professor of IS at Télécom Ecole de Management, and is associate researcher at CRI Research Lab, Sorbonne University, France. In 2012, he was a visiting scholar at Lund University, Sweden, with the Software Eng. Research Group (SERG). His research interests include IS modeling, method and tools for IS development, service-orientation in IS, empirical software engineering, e-learning and e-government.
I'm mainly interested in modelling and simulating complex spatial systems. To do so, I explore new perspectives in geovisualisation, geocomputation and geosimulation.
accounting economics and law, finance, law and economics, sociophysics, econophysics, dynamic systems analysis, complex systems in economics and society
Application of complex systems to sociology and marketing
modelization of the complexity of legal systems
legal system as a dynamic complex system
evolution of caselaw (ontology & langage)
Systems of governance and regulation
creative commons and complexity
Legislation & contracts (cloud computing) with drafting tools
environnement et biodiversité : comme systèmes
cognition, social cognition, genetic networks, neural networks, social networks, embryogenesis, morphodynamics, cognitive economics, learning and adaptive systems, artificial life, mathematics, theoretical computer science, statistical physics
Evaluation of model
Entreprise simulation, complex situations explored as serious games, GTES: Game-theoretical and Evolutionary Simulation. I study the influence of enterprise organization and process methods and commmunication on performance.
Small group dynamics non-linear effects on performance, in particular how in-group diversity may influence variance of performance. Emergence of managerial and entrepreneurial behaviour.
System and System of systems Engineering___Verification, Formal approaches, combined approaches___System modeling frameworks
Transcriptome analysis
System Biology
genetic and metabolic regulation networks
Intracellular symbiosis and evolution
Data Optimisation, Visualisation Data for Decision Making
David Chavalarias is CNRS Director of Research at the Center of Social Analysis and Mathematics of EHESS. His research is situated at the crossroads between cognitive sciences and complex systems sciences, which he mobilizes for the study of social and cognitive dynamics, both from the point of view of the modeling and the reconstruction of social dynamics from large scale Web data. His highly interdisciplinary work focuses on the modeling of cultural dynamics and socio-semantic networks (academic, press and web), cognitive economics, quantitative epistemology, scientific discovery processes and the visualization of information. He has also initiated several software projects for the analysis of knowledge dynamics and their visualization. David Chavalarias his the Director of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France and former vice-president of the Complex Systems Society (CSS Service Award in 2014).
Modelling and simulation of complex systems. Development of methods and software for simulation experiments.
Cognitive Systems - Cellular Automata - Artificial Evolution
Coordinator of the Digital Campus on Complex Systems of the Strasbourg University (CNSC Strasbourg)
Using massively parallel GPGPU hardware to simulate, model, predict complex systems
Dynamics and Control of Complex Systems with Applications to Technologic (Robotics, Mecatronics), Industrial (Steel, Commodity and Oil Industry, and Sciencific Domains (Grids, Biology, Chemistry)
Neural Networks, Statistics, Kohonen Maps, Data Analysis
Biomathematics : Stem cells differentiation and maturation processes, Blood cell production (erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis) and blood diseases (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, periodic blood diseases); Stability, Bifurcations, Asymptotic behavior (PDEs, DDEs).
Epidemiological modeling, Network models
reaction diffusion models and spatial theories
I'm currently a PhD student in the Theoretical Physics Centre (CPT) in Marseilles My current research activity focuses mainly on the thermodynamics of long-range statistical models on networks. I'm also interested in theoretical models for the brain structure and I'm currently involved in a collaboration on these topics.
Senior Researcher in EDF R&D
Multi-Agent Systems, Artificial Intelligence : Applications, Emergence, Evaluation, Learning, Methodology, Organisations, Privacy, Trust, User-Centring.
Emergence of honest communication, Origin of language, Relevance as complexity drop
Extract concepts, algorithms and design patterns from existing complex adaptive systems and reuse them to construct artificial systems featuring similar characteristics.
In the vast land of complex systems, I commute back and forth between computational biology and bio-inspired computing. On the way, I founded the field of morphogenetic engineering (ME), which explores new methodologies to model and create complex architectures that self-organize from a swarm of heterogeneous agents, in particular by development. Such emergent structures can be modular robots, synthetic organisms, or large autonomic networks of computing devices.
Links between social psychology and social simulation
Multi-agent systems, socio-cognitive modelling, agent-based social simulation, crisis management
Systems biology of host-pathogen interactions
statistique et changement d'échelle
analyse de sensibilité de modèles pour la meta-modélisation
asynchronous cellular automata _ stochastic cellular automata _ multi-agent systems
Machine Learning, embryogenesis, morphodynamics, adaptive systems, artificial life, cognition, genetic networks, neural networks
Management of dairy systems
Information visualization, social networks, evolution of the sciences
Development and plasticity of the CNS in humans and animals.
modeling of biological, physiological, metabolic and nutritional systems
Je m'intéresse à la théorie de la viabilité et en particulier à l'analyse morphologique et mutationelle , ses motivations, et ses applications aux sciences cognitives, à la morphogénèse, aux systèmes complexes, sans oublier les développements mathématiques et algorithmiques de cette théorie.
Interactive and Dynamic Simulations of Complex Systems, System Dynamics, Economics, transport economics
Statistical mechanics, Random graphs.
Central subject of interest are ecosystem and landscape functionning.
I am a postdoctoral reasearcher in the Complex Networks team, at the computer science laboratory of Paris 6 (LIP6) since December 2018. My work at LIP6 is focused on designing methods for the automatic detection of anomalies in large sequences of interactions. I also have a strong interest in the study of social systems relying on the blockchain technology.
I am an Associate Professor (Maître de conférence) in Computer Science at the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France.
My speciality is Artificial Intelligence and more precisely Emergent Problem Solving using Cooperative Self-Organization and Multi-Agent Systems.
In the Theoretical Climate Dynamics (TCD) group we study climate dynamics on all time scales -- from intraseasonal, through interannual and interdecadal, to millenial -- using the methods of dynamical systems theory. We apply these methods to observations, numerical models, and experiments concerning the climate system -- the atmosphere, ocean, bio- and cryosphere -- through collaboration with researchers in North America and on other continents. Our group is led by Prof. Michael Ghil of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (Center for Earth Systems Research) at UCLA.
My research activity focuses on using computational, visualization and data analysis methods for the study of Complex Systems in a multidisciplinary context. Current projects include detailed epidemic modeling in structured populations; knowledge diffusion on large technological networks; and the study of human behavior through the analysis of proxy social network dynamics
Valerie Gouet-Brunet has been research director in the LaSTIG Lab. of the French Mapping Agency (IGN) since 2012. Since 2014, she has been the head of the MATIS research group of the LaSTIG, which is dedicated to research on computer vision, photogrammetry and remote sensing for terrestrial, aerial and satellite imagery. Before, she was assistant professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris, France. She obtained her PhD in Computer Science in 2000 from the University of Montpellier, France and her habilitation to direct research in 2008 from Pierre et Marie Curie University, France. _Her area of research includes content-based indexing and retrieval (CBIR) of collections of image and video contents at large scale, with a focus on local image descriptors, on the representation of spatial relationships and on multidimensional index structures.
Social theory
Social networks
Social dynamics
practices of the internet (sociology and measures), cyber-geography, history of (scientifical) writing, technologies of the intellect of today, epistemology
I am interested in working on interdisciplinary topics that combines distributed problem solving with other domains like multi-agent systems, collective intelligence, self-organization and self-adaptation, simulation of biological systems, distributed clock synchronization, economy and law.
Computational neuroscience, dynamical systems, addiction research, stochastic differential equations.
Ordered networks (e.g. industrial processes, lifecycle analysis). Maximum entropy. Power flow. Economic network.
...obtaining adaptive, self-healing, self-replicating and ultimately living systems (and materials) using molecular self-assembly under far-from-equilibrium conditions.
I_m a physicist, associate professor at Cergy Pontoise University since 1993, I did my undergraduate studies at Buenos Aires University, I have obtained my PhD in Physics in 1993 at the Institut Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) Toulouse, France and my HDR (Habilitation to Conduct Research_ French diploma) in 2015, at Cergy Pontoise University. I_m involved in several organizations that promote and develop the study of Complex Systems. I_m a member of the Direction Board of the Institute of Complex Systems of Paris-Ile-de-France (ISCpif). I_m also a Councilor of the Complex System Digital Campus (CS-DC Unitwin UNESCO). and of the Complex Systems Society (CCS). My research interests go from the study of complexity in Physics, as in Phase Transitions or Disordered Magnetic Systems, to the study of Complex Systems in other fields like Ecology or Social Sciences, with the tools and the point of view of Physics. I have created (2009) and directed until 2015, the Complex Systems Path of the Master Theoretical Physics and Applications, double diploma program in association with the Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, that had obtained the label of _French-Spanish Master_.
Multi-Agent Systems, Holonic Systems, Organisational theories, Formal methods
Analyse Non Linéaire des Equations aux Dérivées Partielles -- Analyse Numérique
Modélisation mathématique en
biologie, médecine, chimie et
milieux poreux
Extracting meaningful information from DNA
Complex systems modelling and simulation of brain development
Dynamic networks, Social network mining
My research activities focus on the applications of non-equilibrium statistical physics to soft___matter and biological systems. I am generally interested in the___field of stochastic thermodynamics, and in particular, in the question of extracting relevant___information from the non-equilibrium fluctuations of complex systems.
I work on scalable methods for the analysis of complex systems. Information theory provides interesting measures for data aggregation, thus allowing to reach macroscopic description levels of complex data. I am interested in the application of such approaches to social systems, and in particular to the study of mass media, social media, and geographical information.
Complexity in astrophysics
(nonlinear) Control and Synchronization of complex systems
Chaotic/hyperchaotic systems
Chaos cryptography
Multilevel networks _Dynamic networks _Network literacy _Organization _Epistemic networks _Norms _Mobility
modelling and understanding generic aspects of living systems/ comparative application to several fields (fisheries, small rodents, scientific knowledge) / currently http:/
My current research endeavors are focused primarily on the projected long-term effects of adaptive intersexual selection mechanisms, expressed in terms of constrained evolvability within and between populations, which I believe to be structurally homologous to the projected evolutionary trends that emerge from the late Collin Martindale_s most recent model of the psychodynamics of creative ideation and aesthetic reception (Martindale, 1990, 2009).
Interactive optimisation, interactive modeling, interactive evolutionary computation, cooperative co-evolution, visualisation, food science, signal and image processing, fractals _ art applications.
Complex Networks (Internet topology, Social Networks, Interaction networks, ...)
Measurement, Analysis and Modelling of these networks.
Study of the dynamics of these networks.
I conduct research in the modelling and simulation of Vector-borne disease in urban area. More precisely, I am working on the Dengue dynamics in two sites endemic India and Thailand.
The topic is concerned with problems in understanding the influence of the different parameters, concerning the environment, mosquito or human, on the epidemic dynamic.
But here, I am more particularly interested in the studying of mosquitos' behaviours and environment.
To achieve these objectives, I am interested in Multi agent-based modeling.
How complex systems approach and its development/application can articulate with the social experimentation and with the practice of scenarios thinking and planning. How they might be better related/co-evolve in order to help private and public policy makers.
Neuroimaging, Computer Vision, Brain development, Cortical folding process, Brain connectivity, Markov Random Fields
transcriptomics, transcription, chromatin, R_Bioconductor, data analysis, nuclear receptors, liver, metabolism, metabolomics, toxicology
- Evolutionary and systemic approaches to meaning and cognition.
- Evolutionary scenarios regarding the nature of mind and consciousness.
- Trend to increasing complexity
Modeling, simulation, declarative languages, topological rewriting, morphogenesis.
System biology
Aïkido Spirituality
At the European Center for Virtual Reality (CERV, Brest), we aim at building the virtuoscope : a virtual lab for studying models for complex systems. I aim to develop enactic : a methodology for building the virtuoscope that uses enaction paradigm at the level of models involved in the phenomenological knowledge of a particular domain. I've applied it to remote observation of sea states, Earth's thermal history and virtual sailing. It seems that the way by wich we creates autonomy based phenomenological models for natural phenomena also produces simulations that are of great interest for teaching.
Parallelisation and Distribution of multi-agent systems
I am a CNRS research fellow, working at LaTTiCe (Langues, Textes, Traitements informatiques et Cognition). I mainly work on Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially on the following topics: Information Extraction, Question Answering, Semantic Zoning, Knowledge Acquisition from text and Named Entity tagging. Apart from NLP, my main interests include Language Acquisition, Cognitive Science, Epistemology and the History of Linguistics.
Numerical methods; Finite element; EDP
I am Director of Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography ( Former Chair of the Commission on Urban Development and Urban Life of the International Geographical Union (1992-2000), founder (1984) and Director (1992-2000) of the research laboratory P.A.R.I.S. (UMR Géographie-cités, CNRS), I am since 2006 director of the European Research Group S4 (Spatial Simulation for Social Sciences,, honorary director since 2011. This network is one of the projects of ISC-PIF. I am specialised in urban modelling and theoretical geography. My main scientific contribution is about building an evolutionary theory of urban systems and transferring concepts and models from self-organising complex systems towards social sciences. My last books "Hierarchy in natural and social sciences" and "Complexity perspectives in innovation and social change" are published by Springer in 2006 and 2009 in the Methodos Series.
Modelling and simulation of microbial ecosystems, up to decision support tool based on optimization and control theoretic approaches.
common tools and methods for large networks arising in various complex systems fields
complex system engineering
Distributed systems, multi-agent systems, Systemics, complex systems, cognitive systems
complex system, simulation, multiagents, multi scale, multi modelling, celullar automata, interaction, behaviour, 3D, interactive simulation
Nonlinear Processes and Systems in Geophyssics and Environment, Scaling, Multifractals, Turbulence.
Modeling and analyzing complex discrete systems (SAT, CSP, NP-complete and above problems).
philosophy - epistemology - ethics
Emergence, stigmergia, artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life. Managing Direftor Board of Strate School ofg Design, a private school devoted to design, I created the Research lab of the school in 2010. I also created the _Interactive systems and objects_, a department devoted top intelligent systems and objects design in 2007.
My special interests are auto-scalable, highly-available, and real-time Web and mobile applications by using bleeding-edge technologies such as Node.js,, Express.js, Redis, and MongoDB. I am also working on real-time processing in Big Data by using Apache Shark and Impala along with batch processing by using Apache Hive on Amazon EMR Hadoop clusters and Cloudera Manager. Machine learning, building recommender engines by using Apache Mahout, and visualizing Big Data in realtime streaming from social networks especially Twitter on geo-location maps are my other interests.
Research interests: co-creating inclusive and interoperable smart urban service systems meeting citizens_ needs. Particularly interested in different life cycle stages of urban planning and urban data projects: ideation, prototyping, creation of data structure, heterogeneous data acquisition, data cleaning, data analysis, modeling, data visualization, and deployment.
Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Life, Natural Ressources Modelling, Bio-economic Modelling, Simulation, Multi-agents Systems, Dynamic Systems
Every day, millions of humans make decisions about issues of interest for the group or the community they represent. Equivalent processes have been described well by several authors for animal societies. Group members must take decisions satisfying the majority of individuals (i.e. decision accuracy) but in a relative short period (i.e. decision speed). Much time may be required to make an accurate decision between alternatives, because evaluating information may be a lengthy process. Nevertheless, empirical studies demonstrating the conflict between speed and accuracy in decision making are mostly investigations in the field of human performance and psychology. Several factors can affect this trade-off between speed and accuracy. Better information can enhance the efficiency of the decision. However, the decision efficiency also depends on the way individuals are inter-connected, that is, according to the social network. I want to assess how the information quality and social network may enhance the collective decision-making by increasing both the accuracy and the speed of the decision.
Ethobiosciences - Cabinet d'Ethologie: Expertise et Recherche en Bien-être et Comportement Animal / Research and Consultancy Agency in Animal Wellbeing and Behaviour.
My work mainly concerns the analysis and modeling of large networks encountered in practice, such as the Internet, the web, social networks or legal networks. These networks are typically represented by graphs and a set of techniques stemming from graph theory has already proven to be very useful to characterize and analyze their structure and to model their behavior by highlighting specific properties. My work follows this approach by proposing new theoretical tools in order to identify non-trivial properties of these networks and to define new models able to capture these properties.
Multiagent modeling, system dynamics, automata networks
Dynamics of lymphoid cell populations in the immune system_ Modeling and simulations of lymphocyte differentiation, selection and resilience to perturbations and aging
epistemology of models and simulations _ types of computer simulations _ pluriformalisms _ multimodeling _ epistemology of computational sciences of complex systems _ epistemology of complex and integrative models of complex systems
_Comparative biology and evolution of catecholamine systems and forebrain in Chordates: The goal of our research is to understand how the neuromodulatory systems using monoamines (dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin) have been shaped and organized along protochordates and vertebrates evolution. This work includes the analysis of the genetic mechanisms of the differentiation of the various catecholamine systems is several groups of chordates (ascidia, amphioxus, and zebrafish), with the aim of better understanding how the different functions of these systems has been recruited along evolution, and how their dysfunctions contribute to several pathologies ( Parkinson_s disease and ADHD).____Mechanisms of the development and evolution of the forebrain in vertebrates: we are studying the rôle of genes which govern the formation and the organization of the telencephalon, hypothalamus and diencephalon, to understand how these areas have been modified and adapted to functions according the lifestyle of the different groups of vertebrates
Stochastic Dynamical Systems
Filtering theory
Stochastic control
Neural Networks
Optimal design of experiments
President of Eurobios
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