Complex Systems Community Explorer

What you can do:

The community explorer is designed to provide a multi-level insight of the complex systems community.

You can map the network of scholars that share interest with you or explore global views:

See how the field evolves, get an idea of sub-communities, find a job or find experts:

  • Geographically focused map : select a country and map,
  • Semantically focused map : enter keyword(s) (comma separated) and map the associated community. For example, enter soci,geog to display the community related to social sciences and geography (match is not strict, a comma makes a 'OR' connector).
  • Scholars that have posted a job offer are highlighted in light blue , those who will be on the job market within 12 months are highlighted in dark blue, keywords on which there is a job offer are highlighted in red.
  • When you have a map, your can export it in gexf to further processing with softwares like Gephi or display it on your website with TinawebJS with exactly the same exploration functionnalities. Click on the gexf button of the mapping interface and save the pop up window with a '.gexf' extention.

You can print the directory associated to any map :

  • Print your personalized directory to find potential collaborators,
  • Print directory at the level of a country, an institution or a lab.

You are organizing an event related to complex systems ?

With the #tags given in scholars profile, map the community associated to any event and print its directory. Ask participants to add your #tag in their profile and you will accelerate the process of networking while having your event directory for free.

View our video tutorial